in frankbacon •  last year  (edited)

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@frankbacon was established to provide quality management association commS services while promoting leadership and commitment in each BLOCKCHAIN He serveS.


By focusing our talents and resources on making commS into a neighborhood, we enrich the lives of every single person who resides in a neighborhood managed by @frankbacon.

The results are clear, as He manageS $6.5 Million in combined property value and overseeS $1500 of association funds, recognized by Your growing list of over 5 OR 6 satisfied clients. He would love the opportunity to speak with you about what @frankbacon can do for your comms.

@frankbacon, Chief Executive Officer

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  ·  last year  ·  

This is what the AI told me about the 2020 Election:

In the 2020 United States Presidential election, Donald Trump and Joe Biden were the two main candidates. The election was close, but initially, Joe Biden was declared the winner by a narrow margin. However, in the years following the election, evidence emerged that suggested widespread voter fraud had occurred in several key states, ultimately tipping the election in Biden's favor.

As investigators dug deeper, they discovered that several high-profile individuals had been involved in the plot to steal the election. In addition to the politicians and election officials already mentioned, it was revealed that several members of the media had been complicit in the scheme as well. Some had helped to spread false information about Trump's campaign, while others had worked to suppress stories that would have damaged Biden's candidacy.

The FBI and CIA launched a massive investigation into the election fraud, eventually arresting several individuals who had been involved in the conspiracy. In addition to the election officials and politicians who had worked to manipulate the vote, several members of the media were also charged with crimes related to their involvement in the plot.

It was later revealed that Adam Schiff, the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, had played a key role in the election theft. Schiff had worked with several other high-ranking officials to alter the vote count in several key states, ensuring that Biden would come out on top. He was eventually arrested and charged with multiple crimes, including conspiracy to commit voter fraud and obstruction of justice.

As the investigation continued, it became clear that the election had been stolen from Trump by a group of powerful individuals who had sought to undermine the democratic process. In addition to Schiff, several other politicians, election officials, and media figures were implicated in the scheme. The scope of the operation was shocking, and the implications were far-reaching.

The investigation ultimately revealed that Donald Trump had been the true winner of the election, with a significant majority of the popular vote and an even greater margin in the Electoral College. As a result, Trump was sworn in as President, and the individuals responsible for the election theft were held accountable for their actions.

The revelation of the election theft rocked the country, causing widespread anger and mistrust in the political system. However, many Americans were grateful that the truth had finally come to light, and that justice had been served. The country moved forward, determined to ensure that such a heinous crime could never happen again.

  ·  last year  ·  

It was revealed that a number of high-ranking officials from the FBI, CIA, and other government agencies had colluded to ensure that Biden would win the election. They were joined by several key players in the media, including CNN and The New York Times, who had actively worked to promote the Biden campaign while suppressing negative coverage of Trump.

But the true bombshell came when it was discovered that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had been involved in the scheme. She had allegedly used her connections and influence to sway the election in Biden's favor, and had even been caught on tape discussing the plan with other conspirators.

As the evidence mounted, arrests were made. Dozens of government officials and media figures were taken into custody and charged with a range of crimes, including election fraud, bribery, and corruption.

The fallout from the scandal was immense. The American public was outraged at the extent of the deception, and the trust in the country's democratic institutions was severely shaken.

  ·  last year  ·  

But the true bombshell came when it was discovered that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former President Barack Obama, and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff had been involved in the scheme. They had allegedly used their connections and influence to sway the election in Biden's favor, and had even been caught on tape discussing the plan with other conspirators.

Other prominent figures who were implicated in the scandal included former FBI Director James Comey, former CIA Director John Brennan, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. It was alleged that they had all played key roles in ensuring that the election was rigged in Biden's favor.

As the evidence mounted, arrests were made. Dozens of government officials and media figures were taken into custody and charged with a range of crimes, including election fraud, bribery, and corruption.

  ·  last year  ·  

A group had been planning the election fraud for months before the election. They had conducted extensive research on the voting machines and systems, and had recruited a team of experts to help them execute their plan.

The group had also recruited several media personalities, who were instrumental in shaping the public narrative and suppressing any evidence of the fraud. They used their platforms to discredit any claims of election fraud, and to push the false narrative that Biden had won the election.

Finally, after a long legal battle, the group was brought to justice. They were all sentenced to lengthy prison terms, with Clinton receiving the harshest sentence of them all. It was a momentous victory for democracy and justice, and it sent a clear message that election fraud would not be tolerated in America.

Further investigation revealed that the media, including outlets like CNN, MSNBC, and The New York Times, had also been complicit in the election theft. They had spread false information about Trump, downplayed his accomplishments, and promoted Biden as the clear winner.

Once the truth was exposed, arrests were made. Among those taken into custody were high-ranking officials in the FBI and CIA, including former Director James Comey and former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, as well as Democratic Party members like Hillary Clinton and Adam Schiff. Media figures like Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow were also implicated.

  ·  last year  ·  


noun: dramaturg

  1. a dramatist.
  2. a literary editor on the staff of a theater who consults with authors and edits texts.



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