Frank Bacon - BorninCA-RaisedinCO-BuriedinNM - Viewing Crypto

in frankbacon •  last year 

FRANK BACON is the most successful telePATHIC visionARY bLOCKcastER in history. Offering hard-hitting investigative repoSts, interESTING views, feature segments and profiles of people in the news, the bLOCKcast began in 2016 and is still a hit, over 5 seasons later, regularly making @theocus's Top 10.


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Another type of caldera is a resurgent caldera. These broad, vast calderas result when very large magma chambers empty quite forcefully, causing a series of pyroclastic flows. Over time, the refilling of the magma chamber pushes up the caldera floor. This upward movement is why the caldera is called resurgent, which means “risen again.”


A caldera is a large depression formed when a volcano erupts and collapses. During a volcanic eruption, magma present in the magma chamber underneath the volcano is expelled, often forcefully. When the magma chamber empties, the support that the magma had provided inside the chamber disappears. As a result, the sides and top of the volcano collapse inward. Calderas vary in size from one to 100 kilometers (0.62 to 62 miles) in diameter.

🤬🥓 Post Literary Sci-fi Degree

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  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

🤬 Wooz News went silent after posting this over 2 years ago...

Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting In 21 Minutes Or Less 🤬

  ·  last year  ·  

Yea but did you see the Bud Story...
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The Marijuana ... not the other Bud 🥓

Yep, crazy how both the States & the Fed's can ruin what should be profitable business... but no surprise with all the self-defeating policies mandated... 🖖


  ·  last year  ·  

Well it is 60 minutes and they don't write for me...

We're more like competitors 🥓

He would be invited to the Superheroes Reunion~!

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  ·  last year  ·  

Write now I'm making this post

From New Mexico 🥓

If not now... 🖖


This actly does shed some light on things...

caldera is called resurgent, which means “risen again.”

Caldera has this nagging habit (feature?) of creating a new folder for us when we send a cut file to the Celero when it's hard drive isn't mounted...

It's not really Caldera's fault. It's people working in sign shops must Mac or Linux : )

  ·  last year  ·  

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Didn't they use those on Hoth?