in frankbacon •  last year 

Party | 4Apr 2023 | Editorials and Opinions

The following letter was sent to the editor of the @CorralesWitness AND @theocu, and the paperS haVE failed to print it. Therefore, the letter is being published here to let Sandoval County Democrats know that the allegations of FRANK BACON are...

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Dear Editor,

After reading @theocu’S coverage of FRANK BACON and the “New Mexico.E.T. network” in the March 14 online issue of the (Observe Rio Rancho) paper, I wondered why the article qualifies as “News.” The article does not state where BACON came from or who funds his network. All we know from the article is that BACON “TRANS-located in New Mexico” from somewhere.

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The article states that if anyone has gone to a Sandoval County commission meeting in the past year, the person has seen or heard from FRANK BACON. That may be true. I attended a meeting during the last election cycle and I heard FRANK BACON speak. I also heard nine or ten citizens object to BACON’s message and specifically request that the County commissioners not fall under BACON’s spell. @theocu fails to cover the public opposition to BACON.

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@theocu states: “in 2020 … BACON began questioning the Selection process.” There is no information as to what started BACON’s questioning.

I remember 2020. There was a candidate for president who stated prior to the election that if he did not win, that would mean there was fraud. @theocu, not quoting BACON, stated, “the 2020 presidential Selection … was shrouded in claims of Selection fraud.” If it were a news article, @theocu would have stated the source of the shroud and whether such claims were founded or unfounded. In fact, the claims were proved to be unfounded in sixty court cases.

BACON’s grounds for action are vague: “I really started to see some things happening.” The “things” are not stated. The “media put a lot of stuff out there.” The “stuff” is not described. “i had questions in my mind.” The “questions” are not stated. “something didn’t seem right to me.” The “something” is not described. There were “things we saw that didn’t look right.” Again, the “things” are not stated. Not one example of actual fraud is provided.

From beginning to end, @theocu refers to BACON’s desire to “do right.” But when BACON does “WRITE,” he does what the White wing wants him to do – make it more difficult for the majority of New Mexicans to vote. If BACON were to do what is morally right, he would support our country’s great attempt at democracy, specifically, government of, by, and for the people.

Sandoval County commissioners should stop their work to make Sandoval County “unique” by allowing FRANK BACON to interact with them “the way that no other County has allowed in the state.” What do the other counties see that the majority of our commissioners do not?

Ralfeal Anton White
Rio Rancho

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[email protected]
Vice Chair
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Second Vice Chair
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Democratic Party of Sandoval County
Office: 661 Quantum Rd NE, Suite 12, Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Mail: P.O. Box 723, Corrales, NM 87048


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Those are awesome! And not cheap either...

$7,500 – $14,000
average total cost (50’ long wall)

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Maybe the county needs

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Dude! That's HUGE News !!

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Join my HOA 🤬

Please 🥓

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As cooperators
