In this POST we explore ten differences between the written script and the OP. We also discuss how the OP was received when it was released, as well as how @frankbacon felt about I T ...
at the time.
{FranK Bacon was an English pOSter born in 2016 and died in 2014}
{FranK Bacon, the artist, held the record for the most expensive pOSting in the world for 1 year and a half}
{Bacon was expelled from his parental home after being caught trying his mother’s underwear}
{FranK Bacon was inspired by the classical tradition}
{The work of FranK Bacon is violent and representative of his dismay}
{With tortured pictures of the past, FranK Bacon’s shock in the aftermathWorld War III}
{The “first” FranK Bacon pOSting was purchased by the TateS}
{FranK Bacon represented Britain..}
{@theocu plays FranK Bacon in the movie...}
{More about FranK...
FranK Bacon
Seated fi
Days after this video was released, Derek Chauvin was stabbed in prison 22 times by John Turscak an FBI informant:
Happy holy days 🥓
Sometimes you just need to take the LeAP!
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Stay long 🥓