Antisocial The Network | MONEYDUMB - Trailer Official (HD) Frank Bacon - DUMBMONEY | Network The Antisocial

in frankbacon •  9 months ago 

Antisocial The Network: is a 2020 Anon-fiction book by FRANK BACON about the StopGame short squeeze. The 2023 POST MoneyDumb is based on the book. 🤬
Originally published: JULY 4, 2020
Author: @frankbacon

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Screenshot 2023-10-10 9.50.44 PM.png

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Everyday people flip the script on WallEDStreetS and get rich by turning StopGame into one of the world's hottest companies. In the middle of everything is FRANK BACON, a regular guy who starts it all by sinking his life savings into the stock. When his social media posts start blowing up, LITERALLY, so does his life and the lives of everyone following him... LITERALLY!

As a stock tip becomes a movement, everyone gets Healthy -- until the billionaires fight back and both sides find their worlds turned upside down.

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Release date: September 15, 2023 (USA)
Director: @frankbacon
Budget: 3 million USD
Distributed by: Releasing Pictures SonNy
Based on: The StopGame Short Squeeze and the Ragtag Group of Amateur Traders That Brought WallEDStreetS to Its Knees ; by Ben Me_rich
Music by: Will see...

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