An APPLE was once worth a garage Frank Bacon - What about a backyard 🤬 Yurt? - The Peripheral

in frankbacon •  2 years ago 

Set in the future when technology has subtly altered society, a woman discovers a secret connection to an alternate reality as well as a dark future of her own.

TV Series The Peripheral (2022)


Very soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency.


Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.


They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges
Col. Edward Mandell House Quote

"BLURT is a QUAiNT lil network I tell you 🤬
For folks operating in the OPEN
And Mining their OWN Business 🥓

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The "very soon" is already here.
We are the peripherals.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We are the peripherals

Amen , ✍️🙏🤳

Awesome shots mate! 😍

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

"gimmy back my STANwitch"

They're just Shots from the front yard and back... 🤬 SAY! Did you know that I Also have a Stan? Someone who ought to know my home address (as a Public Figure) but instead lives in a bubble Cuntry where they think I'm Hidden ... Or something like that... Not too dissimilar from Your Stan lucee... THIS is Where we find out how effective BLURT will be as an I T Tool, and find out what can be achieved with Mute and No-Reply functions. I've already adapted well to mute-and-move-on feature of BLURT but it's only half functional 🥓 I really wanna test the Reply Restrictions steps for Hoarder Stans on My Block... If you get my drift ?


  ·  2 years ago  ·  
I think that this tiktok generation will be dumb enough to even think about that @frankbacon😆


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


These daze 🥓

Not such a far flung future...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I do it for the Stans 🤬

Man! 🥓

But fungus 🍔🍟🥧

Assburgers 😂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Spam makes good sandwiches 🍔

I hear 🌭

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

haha - the video of cooking, while in the machine is a microwave.
why is the place so empty?
I tried one of these drink vending machines that complicated the whole process by using a touchscreen monitor - it gave me the wrong fuckin drink! never again.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's like you're describing my Blockchain or something...


Machine Vending is my Step 🤬🥓

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The rise of the blameless fuckup.
Artificial Intelligence Retarded.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm farming my Skype creds bruv... 🤬

And sweating the Tryhards still in the lobby 🥓

There's a Legend to my Logic too!


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Plausible deniability maybe, but the hubris of the elite, Arrogance and Ignorance is prone to backfire, from whistleblowers, to themselves boasting about it. As it was written a long time before that alleged quote, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

Roger, of Mudfossil University, has a slain dragon on Google Earth, someone squashed that creature's plans..

Posted from