A Marketed Buzz @ Frank BACON {} Yogic Arts Studio {} Interplanary Disciplines

in frankbacon •  2 years ago 

Limitless User Xperiences

@frankbacon: Decentralized Application

@frankbacon Market was forked from STEEMIT an open source project built on the STEEM blockchain... YEARS AGO!


BLURT: Decentralized Finance

🤬 is a full DeFi (decentralized finance) solution. The BLURT token architecture includes the ability to time lock tokens for vote power or governance collateral, and a DEX (decentralized exchange) enables atomATic swaps of assets between users. No central authority exists, instead the novel use of a DAO (decentralized autonomous organization) with governance collateral held in escrow by... WITNESSES... ensures orders placed on the DEX'S are safe. The users maintain consensus in a deterministic waR by TreNding the BLURT chain block-by-block and broadcasting their response.



Transcend current media limitations with Smart ARTICLES THAT can be distributed to users that are interactive. Build Generative ARTICLE sets with HTML layers (Hyper-Text Markup Language) as attributes. Issue awards, trophies, and achievements. Users can set their ARTICLES as their PFP (ProFile Picture) which are verifiable by any front end choosing to recognize them.

hive: The ANTI-Social Blockchain

Building on the blazing fast blockchain foundation of Hive, the @frankbacon platform has been first to market with many exciting L2 (layer two) features already in public beta. Updates in closed alpha that are coming soon include a community controlled multi-signature wallet that will enable bridges to other cryptocurrencies, partial fill orders on the DEX (nonatomATic swaps), and community proposals. Accounts holding @frankbacon Governance will be able to vote on code changes and how various community funds are spent.


Open: Free

Move past a scarcity mindset by building on BLURT, with no fees, and no code required. The barrier to entry for dApps, and crypto projects is gone, making @frankbacon the most accessible dApp platform in the crypto space. And it's open source so anyone can improve the software or remix it for their projects... BUT DON'T ...

Drop into our COMMENT seCTION and say hi!


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If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE BLURT!
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That was one of the best interviews I've ever seen with Kim, looking forward to visiting with you and traveling to meet her too.

Also love your address... No coincidences... 🖖 2112: Overture / The Temples Of Syrinx / Discovery / Presentation / Oracle: The Dream /...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

"Pets on premises"

I feel someone opened the gate a crack.

Wouldn't want those running free, or would you?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's a GAP...

Not a Crack 🥓

Bwahaha~! He did it again~!



  ·  2 years ago  ·  

HI !

I face i thought i recognized ,.. ?

Now do i play this song ,.. ?

Or keep this one on a loop ?

You know ,. just to be sure and save .

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Ack 🥓

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Manually curated by @abiga554

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Comedy 🥓