Hello ARmy,
The American psychological warfare team based in Italy during WWII included only one woman. Barbara Lauwers developed and produced propaganda aimed to crush the spirit of German soldiers so they would desert the Nazi cause.
She used love for their wives and mothers to do it.
10 days ago
I make it to your world and join the military
What’s boot camp like?
What benefits do I get whilst serving?
How likely am I to die?
If I die does my family/next of kin get anything?
How likely am I to survive till the end of my service?
If I survive what benefits do I get after leaving the military?
Who would be the best to serve under?
Where would be the best to serve?
Who would be the worse to serve under?
Where don’t I want to be assigned?
A crowd is not company, and faces are but a gallery of pictures, and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love.
What does the future director of the FBI have to say about Ray Eps...???
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