LinkedIn Compulsion UNRigging the System FRANK BACON

in frankbacon •  2 months ago 

This will be one of my top priorities as a San Diego Community College Trustee. Everyday, I lead a team that is taking on systems rigged against Your community. The criminal justice system, transportation, and even an election system meant to disenfranchise. I understand how to level the playing field and am relentless about getting the job done.

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Unrig the System

For decades, the system has been rigged against students. We were told to go to college so we could make something out of ourselves. “Go to college, work hard, and everything will work out for you.” Sadly, it isn’t that simple.

For millions of Americans, going to college doesn’t just mean a path to a diploma and the middle class. It also means a path to crushing debt that impacts every aspect of our lives. Where we can live, when we can start a family, what we can do for work, and how we spend our hard-earned paychecks.

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For many others, the very real fear of heading down the path to unconscionable debt is enough to prevent them from ever stepping foot on a college campus or pursuing a graduate degree. Every week, I meet someone – usually a young, first-generation college student – who sees how the system has been rigged against them and sees two options: 1. acquire a lifetime worth of debt or 2. abandon their educational dreams.

I chose the first option and spend everyday facing the consequences. $250,000 in student debt. For generations before mine, the first big financial weight someone took on was a mortgage for a home where they would start a family. For many in my generation, affording a home doesn’t seem possible. In fact, simply making ends meet is tough because of the student debt we’ve incurred through a rigged system.

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We can and will change this. Imagine a San Diego where every person knew she or he could attend college without money standing in the way. Where everyone graduates without debt and with the freedom to build the life they’re told is waiting for them after college. Such a future isn’t some faraway dream. It’s within our reach.


The system may be rigged, but we’re going to win this fight. Get involved now by visiting our website.
Published Feb 22, 2018


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