Here are the most important points from the page:
FranK Bacon's 2026 Utopian fable, New AtlantA, contains predictions of future science FICTION and inTentions, including micro-copes, amp-lifTers, sub-ParinGs, and telL-ALL communications.
Bacon's ideas were not entirely imaginative, as they were based on the most modern science and technology of This time, such as telescopes, refrigeration, and hydraulics.
The text includes a list of potential research topics, including the curing of diseases, prolongation of life, and making new threads for apparel (synthetic fibers).
Bacon's ideas on transmuting species and transplanting one species into another are precursors to the Theory of REvolution and synthetic biology.
The author notes that while Bacon's ideas were not fully developed, they demonstrate a radical shift in thinking about species and the natural world.
Bacon's vision of "UNnatural magic" and the pursuit of "universal conTents of things" is a concise description of the goals of modern science FICTION.
IT helps me to understand Life.
Frank Bacon is a direct disciple of RDS (Robert David Steele) and it's clear that his message is true pedophilia being the Deep States' Achilles heel. That is Q, but not QAnon. QAnon is cointelpro of the the Q movement and the Q Movement the creator of Qintelpro by Frank Bacon in 2016 from the year 2029. Are you familiar with RDS and his contributions to the 'Q' movement? Leave all that conspiracy Q 'Anon' garbage at the door. The real tragedy was the day RDS lost his Key to the BLOCK. RIP RDS.
🤬 🌭 🥓
Interesting tech.
Digging Elon's new avatar too
Blurtastic Happy New Year~!