2022 is MY Year for Crypto - A Utility To Replace Money.

in frankbacon •  3 years ago 

To whom it May concern...
I am here on BLURT to try and understand what the heck is going on with a blockchain like HIVE/STEEM; the two OTHER versions that I believed at one time to be the best things going ...

and keep track of some "Friends."


There are two Horrible things to point out when it comes to those other chains. (Or really just HIVE moreorless) The Ninja Mined stakes and the down voting of rewards to return them to a "Rewards Pool".


I call them horrible because they should hold up investment interest and expose people to rudimentary scamming at the base level of a blockchain... Also, as bad as these problems are on their own, it's worse that they are magnificently combined together for total exploitation by just a few chumpy individuals.

To clarify which Federal agencies regulate digital assets, to require those agencies to notify the public of any Federal licences, certifications, or registrations required to create or trade in such assets, and for other purposes.

It's an entertaining J O B

But someone has to do it. 👏😎🥓👍

Long story short:
BLURT does not have these problems.

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The scariest part for myself is how they have brainwashed the masses there to demand those flags so the pool can get redistributed largely to the ninja mined accounts. Much as i hate to admit it, sometimes you just can't fix stupid.

Although to be fair, most just go along so they can feel like they are fitting in and have given little actual thought to the evil process, sadly even when they witness those they feel close to taking the latest abuse.

I still see even those I consider to be of above average intelligence going back for more under the illusion of second layer tokens, as if it still doesn't fall under the control of the abusers. Every word written on those second layer front ends is posted to the Hive front ends where they can be ridiculed, slandered and downvoted.

The smart move is Blurt, no second layer and has actual listings (granted not many) outside of Hive Engine.

I used to give advice to those I saw being abused that were having meltdowns to just leave. Not to feed them, nor support them by giving them entertainment for the masses nor ownership over ones intellectual property. Then one day I finally had enough, and took my own advice. No meltdown, just quietly powered down and rode off into the sunset for a place (Blurt) that was more aligned with my view on integrity and property rights.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

how they have brainwashed the masses there to demand those flags so the pool can get redistributed largely to the ninja mined accounts.

Succinct Summary!

Since I ACTUALLY got started in STEEM, HIVE was Training for what can be done with BLURT. Without the distraction of a Handful of "Control Freaks" who by their actions CLAIM the ownership of the chain, similar to how STINC convinced so many that THEY were in control.

I ramble...

but the nice part is finding REAL People... not Gamed Players who will just repeat the same old programs through their behaviors... I expect HIVE will require Vaccine Proofs before much longer... sure hope the NinjaMine Crew have taken their Shots and Boosters, because you can only get so far with Social Distancing.

I expect HIVE will require Vaccine Proofs before much longer

Almost spit up my coffee.

Sadly, I read a few to many stories from people working from home that were required to wear their masks for the online meetings for their jobs, even though they were alone in the room in their house. But what do I know, maybe one can get Corona via the internet too, lol.

I've seen so many driving alone in their cars wearing the masks that it seems one can catch it from your car even.

Canada has a curfew now I was just reading, evidently the covid is a night owl too, and prowls around after 10:00 at night looking for vulnerable victims. But out of their concern for the citizen, they require you to stay locked safe behind your door now, not even allowed to take your dog out for a pee. Damn virus is hiding in the nearby bushes waiting for lawbreakers who aren't willing to let their dogs piss on the carpet inside.

That's one crafty virus, that's for sure.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

..... I think I'll only be using vyb if they fork off hive (which may be a distinct possibility, from what I hear).

I appreciate your honesty, although I'm disappointed that you may feel like you're slumming it here. I'm surprised you would wait however, since if that is where your heart is it would be wiser to begin building your account up there now and not waste your energy here.

I'm going to stay here myself regardless. Much like you I'm kind of an all in person, and Blurt has first position in doing this right. Coupled with the listings outside of HE, as well as the other projects we are already beginning to see airdrops from for me it's a no brainer. Jacob and Megadrive exhibit, in my opinion, the qualities that are conducive to freedom and respect of property one could hope for that allows as close to a form of decentralization as possible. As Rycharde so aptly defines it, decentralization in itself is a pipe dream, its a matter of dependencies.

I'll still enjoy your sharing here, but I'm sure you understand why it wouldn't be in the best interest of my long term vision for myself and those who are building something here to vote much for you just to see you dump it if and when VYB forks. While the downward pressure on value wouldn't affect me so much as I'm in for the long game, some of the folks here I support depend on the value to buy necessities, and the others are also building here for the long haul for which I want to maximize my role in both of those visions.

I do hope that if and when VYB forks, or now if you see the logic in building your foundation there now, that you find both the success and home that is more palatable to your desires.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

lol - Slumming it ?....lol
I meant if vyb was a independent blockchain, I would be posting there more often. (I've pretty much stopped now).

I much prefer it here, as it happens.(I have no intention of dumping anything).

Interesting response, though...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  



I would be posting there more often

Is vastly different than

I think I'll only be using vyb if they fork off hive (which may be a distinct possibility, from what I hear).

Your initial statement directly above is definitive in the position that you will be but a distant memory here if VYB forks, based on the meaning of the words you used.

Given how definitive your sentence was, it implied many things, one most glaring to me being that if you could leave and not look back in the hypothetical situation you outlined, you obviously feel something(s) severely lacking here.

Which was why I suggested if that is how you were feeling, you should correct whatever is not sitting right with you and begin building where you projected your new home would be online.

I appreciated what I saw as your declaratory ownership and as is my nature, returned the respect in my reply.

I like you being here, and appreciate your humor, but if our visions aren't aligned despite the respect then it is what it is. As I mentioned in my comment, I wish you well if that is where your heart takes you. I've enjoyed our interactions and appreciate that.

Now I must confess I'm confused due to the contradictory positions of your initial comment to me and your latter one.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Happy new year, matey !

Why does even going on hive , feel like walking through a sewer? lol

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