A months worth of rain & hail in a few hours

in france •  2 years ago 


Just a quick update to say that after four days without any water in our village the taps started working again this morning and I could literally hear the sigh of relief from the people here who were starting to grow agitated, pacing the streets like they didn't know what to do. Any longer and things may have turned nasty!

The canal was working intermittently in this period so it wasn't too bad really. In fact, it was quite fun!

Brought a whole new definition to bath time.


Yep, we bathed in the canal.


And it was cold ;)

IMG_5969 2.jpeg

So the rain came today and so did the hail.

The hail stones weren't too big but they were forceful.

You can see here how they have punched holes in the leaves of our courtyard fig tree.


I've not yet been to the garden but I fear the worst for my mustard & rocket which is still very small. One direct hit and the stalks snap.


Anyway, it is what it is.

Worth noting this is an agricultural region dominated by its wine production and speaking to a wine producer this afternoon he was almost in tears because the grapes were nearly ready and now most of them will be damaged. The apples too will have blemishes, making them unsellable.

So, just another string to the bow of that perfect storm which is bringing global famine faster than ever.

I also wanted to tell you that despite the water cut being over we have been warned by the Mayor that the problem was create by us the people! He says there are too many people in our village all using more water than normal and this put excess pressure on the pipes causing them to break. So, while the problem has been fixed for now he was basically saying we can expect further problems like this in the future if the number of people here doesn't decline.

His statement fits perfectly with the goals of the WEF, to get people out of the country into the cities. Where the herd can be better managed.

Right, that's it for now.

Love & Light everyone 🌱


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Always blame the user - never the abuser.
Your mayor is a useless breather - maybe he should contribute to the village's zero emissions agenda.

Exactly. Nothing to do with the pipes being old & requiring adequate maintenance of course!

I saw today that Perpignan our nearest city is also currently having a water cut. For exactly the same reason with exactly the same excuse! Just blame the people for using too much water. You can't make this shit up.

Your mayor is a useless breather

Funny you should say that. I know him by his breathing. Sounds like Darth Vader. And he waddles like a zero emissions duck ;)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

His days are numbered for sure. And unlike Napoleon he won't be remembered.

Interested read there. Have saved the PDF for future reading. Official history really is a crock of shit isn't it. Better to learn about it through articles like this one. Thanks for sharing.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

cool, the guy had to change website. now = https://www.realhistorychan.com/
sometimes he overbakes his case, but some of the ref and docs are interesting.

I cant now recall where I read it, but even the French Rev was a con, with agents going to villages and paying people to be anti-royalist, or getting rid of those who didn't follow the narrative. Was just another mercantile war to replace royals with merchants n banksters. Not that royals are great, but the con was in replacing one tyranny with another.

Man, I would very very like to read that one and hand it out to some of the ridiculously patriotic people around here! Brilliant. Yet not a big surprise.

Am just checking out all his books now and would be interested to get my hands on a bunch of them in fact. They look great!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

trying to think... anyway, read anything about how the Jacobins operated, especially at the local level, and the civil war with the Federalists. None of it was "spontaneous". have fun!

So glad you folks have water again. I trust you collected all you could as well. Yup, be prepared for more BS. Glad also you have a get out of the way spot to go to ( at least you did at one time) because yeah, would have gotten nasty once people became desperate. Have a good plan for next time. I know you are already doing that though.

Sure, the stone house is still there in the woods. Looking a bit worse for ware but nothing a few hours of work won't fix.

would have gotten nasty once people became desperate

I really felt that. It was weird. Everyone was out of their houses (for once!) and constantly knocking on the Mayor's office door to get news. The Mayor abandoned his office eventually because he didn't know how to deal with them but the people kept on knocking, getting angrier and angrier. And this was just four days without water! What would it be like if it was for a month??? Yep, that would be the time to get to the stone house. Before people realise we are the only ones in town with a decent water filtration system! Though even this is struggling with our new tap water which apparently is dirtier than ever. We need to filter it twice before it is at acceptable levels for drinking.

Gosh friend. Hang in there. I know you will keep your family safe and healthy. You're a creative resourceful dude. Stay strong and determined.

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