Someone recently asked me about my spiritual development and the lessons I've been learning. I was moved by this question because it made me think about myself and express my thanks for all God has done in my life. After giving it some thinking, I saw that my attention has been on forgiveness. I learned that it is useless to harbor resentment after being diagnosed with a terminal illness and hearing medical professionals predict one's death.
I no longer care about the hurt that other people have caused me, so I have forgiven them and moved on. I want to be kind to people who have wronged me and bless them. I'm at peace now that the pain of unforgiveness has been released from me. The good news is that you can experience the serenity that comes with forgiving even in the absence of a catastrophe. Everyone can access it as we reflect on the significance of eternity, the poisonous nature of unforgiveness, and the happiness that comes from letting go of our grudges.
The Time Sensitivity
Life takes on a new meaning when one considers the urgency of eternity and the finite nature of our time here on Earth. I now want to live with a "clean slate" and stop wasting time on unforgiveness because it will only cause me grief. In the light of eternity, grievances that were once significant now appear insignificant. Love, relationships, and spreading the gospel are the things that really count. I want to cultivate a wise heart and live with eternity in mind.
Unforgiveness' Poison
I've been inspired to let go of hurts by realizing how unforgiveness poisons the soul (thought, will, and emotions). Bitterness and unforgiveness weaken empathy and breed defensiveness, cynicism, gossip, and hasty judgment. They can turn someone conceited, arrogant, irrational, judgmental, and prone to blaming others for everything. Fundamentally, holding grudges makes us complicit with evil powers. Furthermore, Jesus teaches that we will not get forgiveness if we do not also forgive others. Do you not want your heart to be in line with His righteousness and love when you stand before Him?
The Pleasure of Pardoning
Positive updates! Humility, love, and forgiveness are freeing! They purge the poison from the soul. They support us in accepting Christ's love, owning up to our shortcomings, and realizing that nothing can ever take away God's favor. We no longer need to use unforgiveness as a kind of revenge; instead, we can forgive. We can bless those who persecute us and offer prayers for our adversaries. We have the ability to free others from blame and experience God's love and joy. Bless and pray for people who have wronged us, even if we are unable to stay in contact with them.
I implore you to spare your valuable time from the venom of unforgiveness. A better, more redeeming way of life is provided by the Lord. Select happiness, love, and modesty. Despite everything that has transpired, the Lord desires to bless, redeem, and restore you. He is constantly in your favor, and He want to take away the suffering that comes from holding grudges.