Walking in nature

in forest •  8 months ago 

Today we just had our almost 2 hours walk through the forest. I personally love walking but it’s feels even better to walk in a nature it can reduce anxiety, depression and negativity which is make us feel calm and relaxed.





This is stær in Norsk and starling in English one of the types of birds that’s been keep coming here to norway especially to this kind of place in a month of March or April and left at the month of September when it’s starting to get cold.In Norway, there are around 300 sorts of bird that have a characteristic territory in the country. There are likewise around 200 uncommon cases that move to various pieces of the Scandinavian country at unique times during the year. When Winter nearby to a close and spring draws near, you will begin to see the main traveler birds show up in Norway. Starlings is one of the a typical sight during this season.



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