It is foolish to judge by appearances

in foolish •  3 years ago 

Today I will present to you a king who shows ignorance when he sees outward behavior and glamor.

Wrong decision:

There was a king named King Lear. He had three daughters. Katila, Reagan and Minu. The king decided to test his daughters and divide his kingdom among them. The king's first and second daughters were married. One day when the king asked his eldest daughter how he loved her. Then the eldest daughter said that she loves her father very much. This time the king asked the second daughter how she loved him. Then the second daughter gave the same answer. But when asked about the third daughter, she replied that a daughter loves her father as much as she loves her father. On hearing this, the king became a little angry inside. And he deprived his third daughter of his property and divided his kingdom with the other two daughters.

Status with daughters:

The king then decided that he would share the house of these two daughters with a hundred courtiers. On the other hand, the marriage of the youngest daughter of this king to a prince of France was consummated. One kind of king did not have such a relationship with the third daughter.

It was going well for some time. Suddenly one of the daughters of the king said to the king that he was fine with his daughters, so why should he keep a hundred courtiers in vain. But the king was adamant in his decision. The king was once forced to leave his court because he now lives in the girls' house.

On the other hand there was a character named Tofazzal in this story. He had two sons. One was his legal child and the other was an illegitimate child. This illegitimate child began to think that Tofazzal might give all the property to his legitimate child. So this illegitimate child planned to kill his brother. Upon learning this, the legitimate child left home and began to wander around in disguise. At a time when this illegitimate child claimed property from Tofazzal, Tofazzal refused to give him the entire property. At that moment, the illegitimate child closed Tofazzel's eyes and drove him out of the house. We already knew that the legitimate child was out of the house but in disguise he was around so he found out and took his father to him. And serving his father made him heal a lot.

King Lear Honors 2nd daughter on the other hand was a little cunning and devilish in nature. Whose character traits were said to have been much worse. This second daughter once had an illicit affair with Tofazzel's illegitimate child. As a result, she tries to avoid her husband. In the aftermath of this relationship, she tortured her husband to maintain the relationship with Tofazzal's illegitimate child.

King Lear's second daughter kicked him out of the house. King Lear became a little weaker physically as he got older. Minu, the third daughter of King Lear, may know this again. After learning this, Minu moved to his father from France and after much searching, he found his father. And they took refuge in a hut and Minute took a lot of care of her father and made him very healthy. Then he got to know all the events from his father one by one. And he prepares that his life with Tofazzal’s illegitimate son is going on in an illicit relationship and they will fight against those who are running a state.

Minu then went to war with French forces over his second sister's illicit affair. But was unfortunately defeated and taken prisoner by them. A few days later he was released from captivity. But he did not give up. He re-planned and gradually strengthened his forces. Fight with them again. And finally won. Meanwhile, Tofazzal's legitimate child was in favor of Minu. Minu captures his second sister and Tofazzal's illegitimate child and punishes them in a royal manner.

Then Minu's father hugged King Lear Minu and cried a lot. Because he judged like a fool even though he was a king then. Then Minors I the Prince of France came and here they continue to reign. In fact, I have presented the area to you because even a king has judged by seeing or hearing the glamor on the outside which has resulted in this story. If he had thought a little deeper, this incident would not have reached this stage.

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