Vitamin C is found in all foods except lemons

in food •  3 years ago 

Bismillahir Rahman's Rahim All Praises Great Allah Tayala Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu How are you all I hope you are very good in the infinite mercy of the great Lord Almighty With the food.
Many of us have an idea and a suggestion from doctors that not only sour foods contain vitamin C, but also some other foods which are rich in vitamin C.
We all know that Vitamin-C boosts our body's immune system and Vitamin C keeps our body fresh and healthy.
Eating foods rich in vitamin C does not cause fat accumulation in our body, so foods do not accumulate cholesterol, so it is very important for each of us to eat foods rich in vitamin C, let's find out which foods are rich in vitamin C.


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Guava contains 377 grams of Vitamin C, which is very beneficial for our body, and if we have a guava in our daily diet, we will be healthy, at the same time we will get rid of all unhealthy fats from our body, and increase our body's immunity. It is very important to eat at least one guava a day. Our body health will be very good.

Ripe papaya

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Papaya contains 95.6% Vitamin C, it is very good for our body or face, many of us have digestive problems, those who have digestive problems are very good for their health if they eat ripe papaya, also those who have a fever, cold cough every day. They can also add this food to your food list so that you can protect yourself from these problems.


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Spinach Cabbage Gourd Red spinach Red spinach also contains a lot of vitamin C in all green leafy vegetables, and so it is very important for each of us to eat green leafy vegetables every day to meet our body's need for a bowl of vitamin C. In the same way, development and vitamins are available, so if vegetables can be included in the food list every day, then we will be a strong, strong, healthy and strong person.


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Everyone wants to stare at me in amazement, but not everyone thinks there is a lot of fat but light contains 72.7% vitamin C, moderate light, you can always eat. Light contains a lot of vitamins, which is your daily routine. Action gives you energy in your body, also light is digested very quickly so that cholesterol does not accumulate in our body, so you can put potatoes in the diet.
From the above detailed discussion I hope you can understand in a very nice way which foods contain a lot of vitamin C which eating is very beneficial for our body. You will benefit from it. I said goodbye and I came before you again with a new subject. Until then, Allah Hafez Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.

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