The benefits of spinach

in food •  3 years ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim All Praises Great Allah Ta'ala Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu How are you all I hope you are all very well in the infinite mercy of the great Lord Alamin I will say that if you can eat spinach every day with spinach, then I will talk about which disease will benefit you.
Winter means spinach fair. In winter, the market is full of spinach.


It is said that among the Bengalis there are various terms of spinach between bhajan and dinner.
Many people do not want to eat protein, fiber and vitamin-rich food every day, so today I will discuss with you about the diseases that will increase your body's immunity by eating this vegetable.
1 Experts have researched and proved that spinach contains a variety of anti-oxidants that prevent our body from cancer. This spinach increases our body's resistance to cancer.
2 Those of you who are suffering from high blood pressure can eat spinach every day if you want. By doing this you can get rid of the problem of high blood pressure.
3 Colds and coughs are common in winter, especially in winter, so we need to pay more attention to the body and therefore we need vitamin C antioxidants in our body. If we can eat this spinach then we will get some solution from these problems.
4 Spinach contains a lot of lutein and carotenoids which can help us to improve our eyesight if we include spinach in our daily diet.
5 If your hemoglobin level in your body is low then you must eat spinach every day so that the amount of hemoglobin in your blood can be mixed with the amount of vitamins present in your blood so that the amount of hemoglobin in your blood is less.
These are my health tips for today. I hope you will try and benefit. Until today, everyone is well and healthy. I will come back with something new. Until then, Allah Hafez Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.

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