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  ·  2 months ago  ·  

I'm glad I don't have to deal with the Fulani herdsmen! That sounds like a scary obstacle to growing food in Nigeria.

Is there somewhere you can use that the herdsmen don't graze their cows on?

Is it possible to use a fence or other obstacle?

The problem of the Fulani herdman is one of the major cause of high cost of food, because most farmers are scared of going to farm.

On your second point, I can not see an open land in my area and start using it to farm, it must belong to someone which i much have request for approval before doing anything.

The good thing now is that we're I stay there's no available land they have all use it to build house's and the one that's free, young boys are using it for playing football.

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

Sounds like you are living in a fairly urban area, not close to any available farmland. Perhaps you can grow some plants in containers, some grow as houseplants and are edible once full grown. Maybe some herbs, microgreens, sprouted beans... which can be done in a very small space.

I hope you find a way to grow very soon!