RE: Vegans Might Not Get Enough Of These 11 Nutrients

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Vegans Might Not Get Enough Of These 11 Nutrients

in food •  2 years ago 

You are confusing vegans with 'plant-based'. I know many vegans who eat junkfood I also know meat eaters who eat junk. The vegans are still better off.
All those so-called 'vitamins' are also just scientific gobbledeegook. It's just sales spiel for their bottles of chemical concoctions they claim to be essential vitamins.
While it is always good to eat a variety of fresh produce I'm not falling for this anal stuff about 'essential vitamins'. There is nothing 'unavailable' in eating plants. It's all nonsense put out by the meat and dairy lobbies, the WEF as well as big pharma who now control all the vitamins (codex alimentarius).
I havn't taken a supplement in years.

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But he didn't write a word about supplements.... and these essential vitamins are probably already in the menu of every vegan

after reading this post I realized that I get all these superfoods every week from

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I stopped wasting money on supplements years ago. Spend the savings on organic. It's conventionally grown veg and fruit that is lacking plus the freshness.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You should get educated on this topic and stop spreading nonsense, tracey.

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I have been educated medear, that's why I stopped listening to mainstream modern medicine nonsense which most of this is.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm so tired of this pseudo-skepticism. People think because they've found some lies or fraud in mainstream science that everything in our collective human knowledge is a lie, or just make up something random and stupid. For example, based on this kind of logic the moon landings being faked means the Earth is flat, 2+2=7, HIV is a man-made bioweapon becomes there's no such things as germs at all, and all other kinds of crap. If vitamins are gobbledeegook, then why do you make sure to eat a variety of food every day? It's not just calories.

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Because I'm tired of people claiming vegans can't get enough of this and that from a plant based diet. It's nonsense. Take the B12 claim for eg. It was found that meat eaters were even more deficient in b12 than vegans. b12 is not even technically a 'vitamin' it's a bacterium waste found in soil and faeces. Vitamin d is another strange one. Is it a hormone or what? Vitamin d supplements are made by irradiating the ingredients. Bio-chemistry is a joke.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Says someone who has never studied it.
"It's all nonsense, I don't need to learn about it!"
And thus you will remain wholly ignorant - and ignorable.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I've been studying plant-based nutrition for 30+ yrs and bio-chemistry for about 20 independently hence my numerous articles on the subjects. No I don't listen to mainstream so-called 'experts' either (any more).
"In fairness to people involved with direct marketing programs, it should be pointed out that many people who are selling supplements are giving nutritional advice are not qualified to do so, and that includes nearly all physicians. Few medical schools even offer comprehensive courses on nutrition."

from the book "Supplements Exposed" by Brian R. Clement, P.h.D. Director of the Hippocrates Health Institute. (2010)

"In fairness to people involved with direct marketing programs, it should be pointed out that many people who are selling supplements are giving nutritional advice are not qualified to do so, and that includes nearly all physicians. Few medical schools even offer comprehensive courses on nutrition."

The notion we can't get nutrients from real food is a marketing ploy for the vitamin industry a side market of big pharma.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

But you're unable to provide any evidence of your opinions...?
Nor even articulate exactly what it is (other than "most of this") that you don't understand? Come on. If it's legit, you can name it, and back it up.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Couple of good articles linked in this about 'vitamins'.
sorry 1st link is a book, very long but 2nd link is a short article by my friend Jim O'Kelly, it's quite an eye-opener

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