
in food •  2 years ago 

Breakfast ... and why it's NOT the most important meal of the day!
The 'powers that be' know this and this is why they encourage a hearty meal first thing (with many having a 'full English' 🙄). We are literally participating unwittingly in our own demise!

(Yes this is a vegan English breakfast) source:

I stopped eating 'breakfast' about 30 years ago. I noticed my energy was much higher on an empty stomach. I also never really HAD an appetite on waking up and frankly had no time for it having to commute to work after getting the kids off to school.

The very word tells you what it is. Break (the) Fast. New label for this 'skipping breakfast' - intermittent fasting. Is it a new fad or is it going back to nature and rejecting the norm foisted on us by.........who did foist it on us anyway?

With all this talk of 'starvation' coming maybe it's best to retrain our minds to how much food we actually do need let alone what is actually food and not just calories.

A fascinating read ...

In earlier days,before the white men came the rule was, to go without food till noon, meanwhile doing all the day's work . Professors taught, and the pupils learnt their lessons , on an empty stomach, and there was a high level of scholarship, due to this hygienic rule being observed. In one of the Vedic books there is a passage which says''Take water and do thy work'', This was one of a series instructions given to a student when he was accepted as such by his teacher. As Dr. Dewey [ Who first discovered and proclaimed this health habit , The No Breakfast Plan.] remarked, all work is best done on an empty stomach [I Hope many readers would agree by this principle , though might not be following it Ernest ]
Dr. Dewey had been in poor health for some time; but one morning he suddenly noted the fact that he had no real hunger for the breakfast ; then and there he stopped taking breakfast and the results proved to him that abstinence from eating in the morning is an ordinance of Natural Hygiene.Morning eating is also condemned in the Old Testament of the Bible.
Another very bad habit that has come into vogue among us is the eating of a very substantial meal, the principle meal of the day, before going to one's daily work. This means that the work is done on a loaded stomach, which prevents digestion of the meal and in due course sets up serious acute diseases at first and later causes chronic diseases, which are medically incurable; these can be cured by reform of habits.
Work and digestion cannot go on at the same time. As work is done with will, the vital power is monopolized by the work , and there is no vital power available for digestion of food, which then ferments and putrefies , releasing gases of decomposition, which rise up to brain and weaken all the vital organs.
[ A case was narrated in these columns where a dynamic young man disobeyed this rule and paid a heavy price.;in the article- All time for livelihood and no time to live.]
Work and digestion must be kept apart, so that there may be no competition between them. When digestive work is to be done, then life must be left free to do that work; no other work must be imposed upon it till digestion is completed.

Note;- This must be taken note by all students who aspire to achieve laurels in their life' - Vijai Pawar

Where did this '3 square meals a day' notion come from anyway? If we sat down to follow this would we actually have the time and the energy to do anything else? Enter stage left 'fast food'. The next stage in this monstrous habit.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Also growth hormones are full on , in morning .
Eating breakfast is stopping the processus of detoxification

I have to say , you are one of the best blogger any platforms can dream to have
Your knowledge and open mind is impressive 🪷

Thankyou so much, that's some compliment.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Keeping us too busy to think is the goal of many of our daily tasks these days: pedantic paperwork (to prove before the fact that we are not criminals) and all that is necessary to eat three times a day (shopping, storing, cooking, cleaning up).
Both create fatties who can't do anything else anyway. Like many things, we are enslaved to tasks that harm us.

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I've never been a big follower of the norm as you know so I tend to put life before any of those silly 'tasks' myself. Bare minimum on the 'task' front lol

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I envy you then. I have so much paperwork to do, it's always hanging over my head. And I'm retired! Maybe it's a US thing, where you have to prove you are who you say you are just to take a walk in some of our parks.

I do bare minimum on the having-to-be-on-time front. I hate being late, and I hate hurrying, so I strictly limit events that I have to be on time for, such as classes, meetings, and other appointments. I

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paperwork? To walk in the park? Where do you live? Nazi Germany?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nazi York, where everything is illegal. I have heard it said that it is the hardest place in the world to buy crypto, and I can attest to that.

The park in the town I moved from required ID of residency in the town - proof that your taxes were funding the park. to get into town pools, I had to get special IDs for every member of the family. It seems I've just finished one tax return, or proof of income to reduce taxes, or report used to determine taxes, and another pops up in the mail. Bills, applications, renewals, court documents (my son died without a will). Constant paperwork, I feel harassed by it.

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yeh its coz you live in a city. That was why I got out of London. Life was unbearable after 2008. I'd had enough. Tried living on a boat for a while still in London but even that got bad. It's better living somewhere without a clear address hahaha. The postman has to learn all our names round here. No house numbers or street names. No hassle.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have moved to a very small town in NYS. It's so different here, as if covid were not even a thing for most of us. I love it. Those who live in my last town would not believe it, they think anyone with a brain did what they did, quarantining, isolating, spreading toxins on their hands every where they went, masking up even in their own homes. Not seeing their own grandchildren who lived two blocks away! shocking! I moved because I no longer felt safe there, living normally. I was afraid my car tires would be slashed for something I said on FB. Now they want me to forgive them hahahahahahaha.

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It sounds like an inverted version of the old leper colonies doesn't it. Only which ones are the lepers lol.
Yeh I'm so glad I was here and not in London when this thing happened.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Eating the dried shrooms for breakfast these days ,. sorry .
Well gotta fix me some dinner ,. from something ,.. have a nice song ,.. ;-)

Agree I never wanted to eat breakfast but was pushed into it from the age I went to school. Now I just have fruit like a watermelon and a coffee till midday. I would love to quit the coffee tbh but work in progress

Curated by @ultravioletmag


I can do without food in the mornings easy but no caffeine? Na

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

People are different - being exposed to all sorts of diets over the past 20 odd years I've tried damn near everything.

You are very different to me - we are probably at opposite ends of the metabolic spectrum (if you believe in that concept) or at least opposites in some areas

What works for you, or for me, may be very wrong for someone else.

These days I have a huge smoothie at around 8am, (based on home made caspian sea yogurt using organic A2 milk) taking half an hour to drink it. That lasts until 3 or 4pm when i have a small lunch. Then a larger dinner at around 7pm and go to bed around 11.30pm.

This works in well with my other activities - for example I'm busiest from 1pm to 3pm so wouldn't want to stop to eat around regular lunch times.

With no breakfast I can last until about midday and then right when I want to be at my best I feel like crap but have to try and ignore it

So that seems to work best for me. We are all different!


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No I don't subscribe to the 'metabolic' bullshit. Havn't you heard of epigenetics? It's an inconvenient fact that killed the genetics hoax. We adapt to our environment to survive. We are not all different we can all survive whatever life throws at us but living optimally is a different matter. Your metabolic thing is just your excuse to keep eating what you like.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Eating what i like is of course wrong and i should eat what you no, it doesnt work like that, lol...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Buce lipton actually came to wellington many years ago...yes ive heard of epigenetics!

The biology of belief...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have coffee and cinnamon raisin bagel for breakfast. Or a chocolate croissant.

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