What do Hybrid & GMO Foods look like

in food •  last year  (edited)

Yesterday my cook when she came home, she was very excited to show me some veggies that she had bought from the supermarket at almost a throw away price. Some of the vegetables look fine, but the tomatoes that she had bought were looking completely unreal.
In the supermarket that I visit, there are vegetables that are imported from different regions, so you will find Indian ginger as well as Chinese ginger and other regions also, like wise most of the vegetables have options. Tomatoes as well. She had bought for herself, myself and for other few neighbors also in the building.

When I had a look at the tomatoes, they definitely looked nowhere close to real. They were so much to perfection and the foods that grow naturally are never all so perfect. The sepals were all so perfect in one size, and they were huge and completely perfect red. As if like all were painted in the same red color. I knew looking at it that these were hybrid tomatoes. I told my cook to take them away as I would not be having. She was going totally ga ga about it as to how big, and perfect they were. She offered to make a tomatoes sauce for me, but I had to politely refuse her.


The normal price as of now in our market is around 230 Baisa a kg, which makes it around 50 Indian rupees. And these ones were being sold at 130 Baisa which is around 27 Indian rupees, almost half the cost. Surely people will get lured into buying it. Imagine if by any chance they are of high quality then why would they sell it at 50% discount, that too fresh ones. We need to think that what all chemicals must have gone into it, to make it look so big and perfect.


Would you like to really consume such foods sold in the market?

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