Eating Real Foods for Good Health

in food •  last year 

These days we are continuously being pushed towards eating fake foods.
What are Fake Foods? - These are the ultra-processed foods like the burgers, pizzas, chips, packaged fries, aerated drinks, all sorts of cookies, chocolates, juices, nuggets, ketchups, ready to eat foods, and most of the packed foods with added preservatives. Basically, these foods have cosmetic additives which are not used in our day-to-day cooking in our home kitchens. Our kitchens have replaced many ingredients like before we would make fresh ginger garlic paste at home, we would even make the masalas at home by grinding spices. Nowadays we get all ready to use stuff, like the different paste we use in our cooking, tomato purees have replaced the use of fresh tomatoes. Specially for working couples, when both the partners are working and they have to manage home and children, they try to go around with things that get done fast and in the bargain compromise on health.

Why is it that in the recent times we see a spike in Autoimmune diseases. The main reason for the autoimmune disease to trigger is the increased inflammation and inflammation happens in the body with these wrong foods that we consume. Nowadays we also have fake meat which is lab grown and lot of people support them. To think of it, our ancestors have always eaten meat and they all lived healthily. Let's see what's there in the Fake meat and it should scare you once you know. There is modified potato starch, and corn - majority of the corn grown nowadays is GMO, then there is a binding agent which is gluten and then there is soy which is known to disrupt the hormone functions and suppress also the thyroid function. Don't you see Soy milk, plant-based milk in markets these days in abundance, that's all-fake dairy and its nutrient value will never be same as the real milk. We eat wrong foods and then we blame the meats. If we eat Hamburgers from MacD and KFC for sure we will be sick, because this is not the healthy meat that we are eating.


To think of it there are so many fake foods already in our kitchen, like the cereals, biscuits, chips, all the packed savories. So, if one is avoiding fast food like pizzas and burgers and then indulges in these foods is also not right. Then one thinks, what should we eat. Let's go 25 years back and think what food did we have in our kitchen. Breakfast was eggs or in Indian culture many other homemade dishes like Parathas, Upma and such dishes, but now we eat cereals and we think they are healthy. Fruits are best for our in-between hungers but we have substituted that with chips and biscuits.

If you want to know more about the difference between the Fake and Real Food and the impact of fake food on our environment, then please follow Vandana Shiva. Her website is She is a world-renowned environmentalist and an activist. She talks about many world problems where the big mafias and corporates have been controlling our lives and manipulating the facts for their own greed and power.

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  ·  last year  ·  

real food is very good for the body. I hope you are always healthy by consuming real food.