Spicy Food

in food •  2 years ago 


This time I will discuss about spicy food and chili, because I'm a fan of spicy food.


Indeed, the average spicy taste lover, mostly men. Anyway, if it's not spicy, it won't kick. So I'm curious, how much human endurance actually has in consuming chilies in particular?

"So actually there is no official benchmark yet, or for sure, how much chillies can be consumed or tolerated by humans. Usually the more we get used to eating chilies, the more tolerant we will be, or the threshold is even higher. Usually when people are given chilies, between a person who is used to eating chili, and someone who is not used to it, usually they will tolerate it more, don't feel spicy."

So, there's no limit. This means that we can eat as many chilies as we like. However, still make sure not to consume chilies, or foods that are too spicy when the stomach is still empty.

Well, I have a secret so you don't eat spiciness, do you want to know, I already prepared a glass of milk for this. Well, this milk can counteract the spicy taste.

It's true, it's not cold water to overcome the spicy taste, but milk. Really ? Yes you know, I really prove it. Spicy taste can be lost after drinking milk.

"So if for example we eat too much, we feel too spicy. Usually we tend to drink cold water, because cold water itself actually makes our tongue thick or resistant, so that the spicy taste will decrease. But its nature is only temporary. because as soon as the cold feeling is gone, the spiciness will return again. The most effective actually is to consume milk. Especially those with hold milk, not low fat, or something else. Because fat is anti-spicy in nature."

Oh yes, I myself really like spicy food. Whatever the food, there must be chili, or chili sauce. Not spicy, not cool. From a young age I really like to eat spicy food. Yes, so over time I really like it, to the point where it used to be normal, if you eat it, add chili sauce, add chilies. The point is, you can't just have a little chili sauce.

Every meal, I usually spoon five tablespoons of chili sauce, just have to be spicy. My immediate family sometimes likes to get anxious when they see my habits, because they think they are crossing the line of reasonableness.

"I often get scolded because of a stomachache. But yes, I still eat all the time."

Capsaicin in chilies is the compound that most distinguishes chili peppers from other plants. Capsaicin functions as an anti-inflammatory, bacterial and anti-fungal. Chili also contains vitamins C and E, which function to form antioxidants which are important for preventing heart disease.

Research shows that people who eat chilies six times a week have a fourteen times lower risk of having a heart attack than people who don't eat chilies at all.

Wooww, this chili is amazing.

But there is an assumption, you know, if you consume a lot of chili, it will cause stomach ulcers and appendicitis.

Isn't that right?

"So, in the stomach itself, as said, it causes critical gas, then diarrhea, or vice versa. That capsaicin in the stomach actually protects glucose from digestive cells. So it is less prone to digestive disorders. Then it also stimulates the formation of wetting in the stomach and also lowers stomach acid, so it will prevent the occurrence of eductive gas. In fact, it has been shown that people with digestive cell diseases, such as the presence of inflammatory gas in the digestive tract, if they regularly digest chili peppers, it can reduce their complaints or symptoms."

Get the benefits of chili, not only by consuming it. The problem is behind the spiciness, chili is also useful as a massage. Well, there are lots of benefits from chilies.

Thus my information today about spicy food and also chili. Hopefully there are benefits that can be obtained.

Thanks for reading.

Greetings always compact.

By @midiagam

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