Fish Nuggets

in food •  3 months ago 

This month, all my family should have fasting. The most difficult situation is the early breakfast time. We should eat before 4.30 a.m. We wake up at 3.45 a.m to prepare everything. It is impossible to cook food from raw material in the early morning because we are all sleepy. To solve the problem, we should have ready food.

One of the fastest foods to be served is nugget. I make fish nuggets for the early breakfast. To fry nuggets we need only five minutes. We put the nuggets in the freezer. We take them out at 10.00 p.m and let them tender. In the morning, we just need to fry them.


This morning, I bought Indian mackerels. I bought 0.5 kg. It was $1.2. I sliced the meat of the fishbone and blendered the meat with an egg and garlic. I added a little sugar then, I mixed with some tapioca and wheat flour to make dough.
I steamed the dough for 30 minutes. After it was well done, I took out the done dough and let it cool.


I cut the dough into small squares. I covered them with wheat flour and rolled them in breadcrumbs.


0.5 kg of fish can be made into a box of frozen food or nuggets. The nuggets can be served for two times for my family. We are 5 members of family. I think this methode is practical and economical. We just need to cook sauted vegetables to make the complete menu.



Fried nuggets, white rice and sauted vegetables are enough to have healthy early breakfast ( Sahur meal).
In a short time, the menu will be ready in the morning when all people are sleepy. The nutrition is also good because fish is source of protein and mineral. For the vitamins and fiber, some sauted vegetables are enough. Thanks for visiting!


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