What’s for dinner? Pizza!

in food •  last year 

What's for dinner? Pizza!

This is probably the most well known food in the world. Most of the countries that have joined global brands have pizza fastfood shops in their cities. There are also countries that have local entrepreneurs who create their own brand of pizza shop and develop their own flavors or variety of pizza to attract local customers to their area.

We bought this pizza at a fast food place that offers pizza, chicken, and other fries. They have a variety of products but their main product is pizza.

They have 2 types of crust, the thin crust and the hand tossed type. We chose the thin crust because it is the cheapest and of course because it has less carbs.

And since this pizza is a bigger size, we are allowed to have 2 flavors, which is why we chose: Angus Steak and Four Cheese with Truffle oil. Between these two flavors, I prefer the Angus Steak because it is better than the other flavor.

We really enjoyed this dinner, because for us it was a unique dinner for us.



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