How to Make Beef Yakhini Pulao

in food •  2 months ago 

Beef Yakhni Pulao is a great and fun dish in Pakistani and Indian cuisine that is often prepared on special occasions. The delicious flavor and aroma of this dish is liked by everyone. Today we will tell you the easy way to make beef yakhani pulao which you can easily make at home. Well, let's begin!


Pehla Marhala: The Story of Yakhani

First of all, you should take 1 kg of beef meat (bony ones) high. After washing the meat well, put it in a leaf. Then add 1 turn onion, 2-3 green chillies, 1 teaspoon garlic ginger pistachios, 2 small elaichi, 2 turns elaichi, 1 piece of sugar, 4-5 long, and 1 teaspoon cumin and fill the water so that the meat is well mixed. Now cover it and cook it on a low flame for 1.5 to 2 hours so that the meat becomes soft and smooth. When the meat is good, then take the meat and swallow it and keep the meat.


2nd step: Rice cultivation

Now take 3 cups of bismati rice and soak it in water for 30 minutes after washing them well. The selection of rice should be of good quality so that the rice in the pulao does not stick to each other. Then, heat 3 tablespoons of teal in a leaflet. When the tail is hot, cut the onions finely about Asma 2 and fry until golden brown. Then, add the meat and butter and cook for 10 minutes so that all the examples mix well.


Step 3: Mail of Examples

When the meat and acne are mixed well, add 2 tablespoons garlic ginger pistachios, 2 teaspoons red chili powder, 1 teaspoon turmeric, 2 teaspoons roasted coriander powder, 1 teaspoon cumin, and salt to taste. For example, if a good star is mixed in the meat, then add soaked rice to it. Then, cook this mixture by covering it on a light flame so that the taste of rice and meat is mixed with each other.


Chauta Marhala: Pulao Ka Dum

When the taste of rice and meat is good, keep the leaves on a dim for 20-25 minutes on a low flame. Keep the pulley push off well so that the smell of the oven is mixed in the rice and the taste of the pulao becomes more delicious. Do not apply the rice down in the way of moving the leaves lightly.


Last Step: Beef Yakhini Pulao Ready

After 20-25 minutes, your cheesy beef yakhani pulao is ready. Lift the lid of the pot and see that the rice and meat are on the spot. Serve the pulao hot. You can also serve raita, salad and pickle with it. This dish is especially perfect for guests. Congratulations, you made beef yakhani pulao!

Enjoy your cooking!

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