The last day of January 2021

in food •  4 years ago 

Time flies so fast, we've just completed the first month of 2021...

Before I call it a day, I'm just going to take the time to think through the day's events.

I had a good night's sleep, I woke up without anything aching so that makes today an awesome Sunday. It called for something special on the table. Fortunately, I scored some fresh oysters which were already cleaned and shucked, shells discarded too. I instantly knew what to make. Kinilaw or what's fondly called the Filipino version of ceviche is my ultimate favorite food, I could say I crave it on a daily basis. So I just sliced up some onions, ginger, kaffir limes, squeezed some calamansi (calamondin) juices, then added these to the fresh oysters and drizzled it with coconut sap vinegar. Et voila, fresh oyster kinilaw!


An added bonus would be the mussel soup that my mom cooked -- tinolang tahong as we call it. Lunch was perfect!


I spent the rest of the day just spending quality time with my fam watching TV series:
✯The Stand - my husband Toph and I loved the book by Stephen King, it is our all-time fave. We don't know how we feel about this series yet but we're going to watch it until it concludes.
✯Future Man - pretty fun series to watch. it's funny and full of action, we like it so far!
✯True Beauty - a webtoon that got adapted to a KDrama series, my daughter H suggested we watch it because she liked the webtoon so much. I ended up getting a Viu subscription because of this!

Writing this, I realized that I didn't really do anything else but binge-watch shows the entire day and that's okay. We all deserve to just sit back and relax sometimes. H made me some instant ramen to cap the night off.

Now, we're watching a random YouTube video about this vegan teacher. Toph is already asleep, we should really be sleeping too...

I guess that's it for now. Let's hope February's going to be a productive month for all of us. See y'all on my next blurt! ❤️

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