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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I've been studying plant-based nutrition for 30+ yrs and bio-chemistry for about 20 independently hence my numerous articles on the subjects. No I don't listen to mainstream so-called 'experts' either (any more).
"In fairness to people involved with direct marketing programs, it should be pointed out that many people who are selling supplements are giving nutritional advice are not qualified to do so, and that includes nearly all physicians. Few medical schools even offer comprehensive courses on nutrition."

from the book "Supplements Exposed" by Brian R. Clement, P.h.D. Director of the Hippocrates Health Institute. (2010)

"In fairness to people involved with direct marketing programs, it should be pointed out that many people who are selling supplements are giving nutritional advice are not qualified to do so, and that includes nearly all physicians. Few medical schools even offer comprehensive courses on nutrition."

The notion we can't get nutrients from real food is a marketing ploy for the vitamin industry a side market of big pharma.

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