
in flynn •  4 years ago 

According to the CDC, 60K more people died in 2020 than they did in 2019 in America if you include people who died from drug addictions, overdoses, and suicides. Minus that, less people died in 2020. Evo Pop Gameplay is like Mario, Snake, Tetris, and Angry Bird combined. Great Bryson Gray music, songs, at March for Trump today in DC: Yes. The pop culture which globalists weaponized for centuries is being used against them right now, the rebel patriots rising, it's a taste of their own medicine, it's powerful when Kanye West and everyday people go viral online and offline with dynamite red pills to rock the culture to a better tomorrow. Is Fweedom some kind of meme? Does it mean free and freedom? Is it some kind of inside joke or what does it mean?

Fighting Shadows

After many centuries, revolutionary titans are taking back the culture away from the shadows. They said 3 weeks a year ago. They don't want to end the pandemic. The lockdown, not different diseases and viruses, are killing millions of people according to the UN, the CDC, WHO, and others, they write articles but then buried and hide it on their websites hoping you don't go there with a shovel. Eat more vitamin C, D, E, Zinc. Masks are making people sick. Play in the dirt. Go back to work. Don't stay home. That is bad advice. We all know this. Go to banned dot video or miss out on history, your choice. Make Taxation Theft Again.

Boring Private Video For Infocomms Roy Emerick


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2021-01-05 - Tuesday

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-01-05 - Tuesday | Published in January of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-01-06 00:04:02.png

Alex Jones Interviews General Michael Flynn

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Directory | Timeline | Accounts | Categories | Channels | Communities | Groups | Topics | @JoeyArnoldVN | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @OatmealJoey


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.


You Cannot Watch Forbidden News

After many centuries, revolutionary titans are taking back the culture away from the shadows.

Election News

We can stop the steal and save the republic one oatmeal at a time

Great Bryson Gray music, songs, at March for Trump today in DC: Yes. The pop culture which globalists weaponized for centuries is being used against them right now, the rebel patriots rising, it's a taste of their own medicine, it's powerful when Kanye West and everyday people go viral online and offline with dynamite red pills to rock the culture to a better tomorrow.

After many centuries, revolutionary titans are taking back the culture away from the shadows.

Lockdown News

Covid Pandemic Lockdown is murdering millions to billions of people

According to the CDC, 60K more people died in 2020 than they did in 2019 in America if you include people who died from drug addictions, overdoses, and suicides. Minus that, less people died in 2020.

Covid News

You can defeat Covid and other things via essential vitamins

According to the CDC, 60K more people died in 2020 than they did in 2019 in America if you include people who died from drug addictions, overdoses, and suicides. Minus that, less people died in 2020.

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Make Taxation Theft Again

Oatmeal High Council

Telegram Chat | Phone App Version | Web Browser Version

Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies


Follow and contact me on Facebook @JoeyArnoldVN

Regarding the CDC Website

03:39 PM - Facebook

Their website has gone back and forth in what they say. Like some websites, they sometimes retract. But other times, the info can be buried which means very hard for the average person to find. So, every once in a while, they add accurate info onto their website which then gets buried and not promoted at all. So, technically, people could find surprising things on the CDC website but they would have to dig for it and most people are too lazy to dig.


Follow and tweet me on Twitter @greenoatmeal

Sarah Sansoni - @sarahsansoni

The constitution has become a light suggestion

My Reply

Good news is that encourages rebels to love the constitution that much more because we're told not to. The rebel inside us want to do what we're told not to do.

Did you drop the ball on Bitcoin?

If I had a lot of money, yes.

Walmart Causes PR Disaster After 'Mistakenly" Calling Sen. Josh Hawley A 'Sore Loser'

@sarahsansoni, you got a cute voice.

Is Fweedom some kind of meme? Does it mean free and freedom? Is it some kind of inside joke or what does it mean?


Watch and chat with me on YouTube @JoeyArnold7

Trying to Find The Real Oatmeal Joey Arnold

2021-01-05 - Tuesday - 01:15 AM - YouTube Comments From Oatmeal Joey Arnold to Roy Merrick

@Roy Merrick, if the tickets never came, then who cares if I ignored the fact there were tickets which came which I never knew about because they never came, how is my ignoring messages, assuming I did, which I didn't really do or rather there are many people contacting me all the time, but were you going to go to my house and drive me four hours to Portland from where I live? I have published my address a few times meaning my address is not a secret on several levels and there are also my former addresses too you can find too. The hard part is guessing which address is the most recent and "JOEY ARNOLD" is a very common name meaning there are hundreds to thousands of people with my name or variants thereof. So, if you try to find my address, you may be looking at the address of other people with my name. I'm not sure if you have my actual address or not. You should contact me on Facebook, Hive, or email, if you really want me to not accidentally ignore. And I have dozens of account profiles on Facebook. I have hundreds of pages and groups on Facebook. If you send messages to some of those pages and groups and accounts on Facebook, I may not see it until years later or never. It is best to send messages to my current main Facebook account @joeyarnoldvn. I don't try to ignore people but I would get so many messages on Facebook. I have hundreds and hundreds. I can spend hours scrolling down just on my main Facebook alone. A lot of people know me and you are like LEGO Joker talking to me, LEGO Batman, and you want me to only think about just you and nobody else.

@Roy Merrick, That didn't answer my question, sigh. You quoting yourself doesn't answer my question. You told me to do me more and not the fishing or the political or whatever the case may be. I asked if I already did and/or I asked if you wanted me to talk about you which is also possibly not the fishing or the political and/or whatever else you were trying to say earlier. But it's not me or whatever you meant in saying that I should do more of me or whatever that means. Family is good. Do you want to see what I made for my younger sister? Do you want to see the shoes she got me? Do you want to see the adventures me and brother had in Canada? Do you want to see the photos of the things we build as a family and as friends? Do you want to know all about my private life so you can feel better about your own?

@Roy Merrick, Did you delete a comment of a Google Maps link? I see the comment but cannot read or see the whole thing. I click on it and it takes me here to your newest comment but not the other newest comment with the Google Map thing or whatever it might have been.

@Roy Merrick, I've been there but do you know where I live? In 2020, I moved.

@Roy Merrick, I don't want to see the Book of Mormons on Broadway.

@Roy Merrick I am live right now for 2 more minutes at least at this link

Other Websites

Write to me on other sites

Facebook Spying On Non-Users

05:51 PM - Hive Blog

Facebook was funded and developed partly by US government, that is DARPA, the CIA, etc, these agencies. Groups like Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc, work with governments and they go both ways as they trade with each other information. They value information more than money in many cases. They seek after power and already have a lot of money. Groups like Facebook and others buy and sell data back and forth between groups like playing cards. Facebook collects data from users and sell the data to other groups and Facebook will buy data of things they don't have from other groups. But the problem is not really Facebook alone but rather centralized power when governments and groups try to tell you that you have to wear a mask and get a Covid Mask if you want to go to school, work, travel in an airplane, on a bus, on a train, in a Taxi car. If you want to go to a concert, see a movie in a theater, go to a restaurant, go to a museum, use some websites, buy, sell, go places, do things, etc, etc, etc, you will have to take a Covid Vaccines which may kill you or worse, that is their goal in many countries around the world. They're already banning people who aren't using trace and tracking apps which is worse than Facebook. Many restaurants refused service for those people don't have these apps which spy on people. Many laptops have webcams and microphones which listens and watches people. Many fridges, microwaves, lights, appliances, smart grids, other things, have spy devices and mics. So many different groups have spying software and hardware in people's houses. You may have spy computer chips in your house. Android, Microsoft, and Apple operating systems have spying capabilities, remote access, backdoor access, the ability for groups to go in, to hack in and spy and collect data. So many groups trade data with each other all of the time. I'm glad Koreans are diverse. Yeah, there are less Koreans than there are Americans.

Watch Comments

See the Watch Log for more info

Red Letter Media

02:58 AM - Half in the Bag: Wonder Woman 1984

Love story

Drunk C3PO

03:45 AM - Star Wars Theory & Jeremy from Geeks and Gamers w/ Drunk3po | Gina Carano Cameo

If you're blocked on Twitter, log out and go to the Twitter page while logged out to see the tweets of the person who blocks you as long as the tweets are public and most tweets from most people most of the time are public tweets.

Call Me Snake


Check out Jan Morgan

Millie Weaver

03:23 PM - Bryson Gray Performs New Hit Song “It Ain’t Over Yet” at March For Trump

Yes. The pop culture which globalists weaponized for centuries is being used against them right now, the rebel patriots rising, it's a taste of their own medicine, it's powerful when Kanye West and everyday people go viral online and offline with dynamite red pills to rock the culture to a better tomorrow.

Charlotte Campbell

04:46 PM - Happy New Year Livestream! And a Stay Safe at Home ANd Kill Yourself Song She Wrote

Charlotte Campbell said she doesn't think lockdown will continue much longer even tho it has been ten times longer than what they said before.

They said 3 weeks a year ago. They don't want to end the pandemic. The lockdown, not different diseases and viruses, are killing millions of people according to the UN, the CDC, WHO, and others, they write articles but then buried and hide it on their websites hoping you don't go there with a shovel. Eat more vitamin C, D, E, Zinc. Masks are making people sick. Play in the dirt. Go back to work. Don't stay home. That is bad advice. We all know this. Go to banned dot video or miss out on history, your choice.

Charry Bomb

05:16 PM - 🔴 Watch Live: Save America March with Infowars - 1/6/21

According to the CDC, 60K more people died in 2020 than they did in 2019 in America if you include people who died from drug addictions, overdoses, and suicides. Minus that, less people died in 2020.

Tim Cast IRL

05:57 PM - Timcast IRL - National Guard Deployed To Kenosha, Rittenhouse pleads NOT GUILTY w/ DontWalkRun

Make Taxation Theft Again

Wake Up!


Federalist papers number 73 talks about the president's power which is higher than the other governmental branches in America, the president pledges to protect the constitution.

Watch Log

I've been watching the following

Up around 10:40 AM, 5 small pancakes, dumb syrup. Coffee. How many gay empires were there? Is there a big contrast between frog at tree and frog at pond is question. I tried to write about it already on Sunday. Drunk video still to 11:22 AM or so. Millie video. Work today from 12:00 PM noon to 02:00 PM organizing the back shop room. Lunch is carrots, celery, rice dinner stuff from last night, really good. And then dinner was some kind of rice and other things soup. Was eating around 05:15 PM and back outside organizing around 06:30 PM to 11:25 PM. Now back to eating a third bowl of that dinner soup. Oh did jump in for a second. Head eagle. Curtain rod back up. Watch out for middle support above window. Oh, what ya watching. YouTube. Something about understanding what Hell is and is not and what does God and the Bible says about it. Diagrams of it. Before that, conversations of Evo. I like how I describe it as seen above in the videos I watched today. Hoses need fixing as they have cranks or bents. I am impressed with how organizaed things are. Was sweeping too.

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