Too late for the sea of pink

in flowers •  last year 


Autumn is not the time for Sea Trift. They are summer flowers. They handle heat an sun. So when I went to look for some autumn flowers, there was no much left (from this one anyway). Only some pretty, round #DryStuff

Armeria maritima


Tere are many types with in different colour around. Many have very short stems and stay closer to th ground.
This is a typical coastline plant that grows on poor soil and often very rocky terrain.

What was it doing on th middle of Poland hundred km from any coast? It looks pretty happy where I found it and it is not the first time I saw it in that area. I just wonder if it came on its own (or some birds brought the seeds) all the way and like it, or it it is a version of one that someone had in a garden.



I do remember having them year ago. Shorter and darker pink too. With time it maybe lost this look and got closer to the wild one again...


Ok, I lied a tiny little bit.
There were a couple still in bloom left. Not a showy as hey can be, but it will give you an idea how pretty they are.




And here is on I bought for myself a while ago. Gorgeous, intense pink... and I killed it the same year...

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