Excess Workouts are not very healthy for the body

in fitness •  4 months ago 

Exercise is very important for the body's wellbeing, but there are times when we get carried away in our fitness regimes and overdo it and this can really be harmful for us. Specially after the age of 40 and 50 we must be very careful with our fitness regimes and make sure that it is not over done.

We need to keep listening to our body all the time, it gives us signals when something is not right. We start receiving these signals way before the actual problem is diagnosed. Excess and heavy endurance exercise can be damaging at times, it can elevate the cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is a stress hormone and when it gets elevated it will trigger some health conditions and also fast aging.


Understand the capacity of the body and then set the fitness regimes, each body capabilities are different and one must accept that. Just because the opposite person can run 10 kms at a stretch that does mean that we can also do it. Yes, we can do it, but that speed comes gradually with practice and not all of a sudden. Every fitness goal should be achieved with a proper plan and diet and not in a rush. If it takes time, then give that time to yourself, rather then damaging the muscles with excess training.

When we do excess training and then stop it, then you will see that there is a rapid weight gain also. Specially people who aim to reduce weight. You will see that some of them lose it very fast with a very heavy exercise plan and then when they leave it, the weight comes back again. When a weight loss plan is made with a gradual decline, that will give a better result in the long run.

Do your fitness regimes with good responsibility and safety towards your body. As we say in Yoga Sukham Sthiram Asanam

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