Summer Fireworks In and Around Valencia

in fireworks •  2 years ago 

This summer we didn’t just stick to the city of Valencia, but also ventured into nearby towns to attend some promising fireworks displays. During the summer months, seemingly every village in Valencia celebrates some sort of event, in which fireworks are the main protagonist. It would be impossible to see them all, especially since many occur on the same days, but we did our best to visit as many as we could!


Traveling around the Valencian Community, we gained a greater appreciation for the importance of the mascletàs shot off in the Plaza de Ayuntamiento, during Fallas. Those daily displays are not just to entertain spectators, but also represent a fierce competition between pyrotechnic companies. If your company shines during Fallas, you’ll move up the calendar in the next year (the closer to the finale of March 19th, the better). But possibly even more importantly, you’ll be more in demand for towns around the province, for their annual festivals.

Summer Firworks in and around Valencia

This summer, in addition to viewing all the biggest events in the city of Valencia (such as this massive Correfoc), we made an effort to visit smaller towns — especially those we could easily reach by bike. For example, we returned a couple times to Burjassot for the festivities of Sant Roc, which include night mascletàs, a daytime mascletà and a gran coetà (also known as la cordà), which is a manual firework shot from within a cage.


Then we saw an amazing double layered mascletà in Godella by one of the most well-regarde pyrotechnic firsm, Ricasa. Their founder, Ricardo Caballer, was even there in person. Our summer firework journey also took us to the town Mislata for several stunning fireworks. It was here we had the chance to see our first spiderweb mascletà, which was the closing firework for these summer events for us.

We had a ton of fun hunting down all the shows and we can’t wait for next summer to see even more.

From our Fireworks Festivals Blog.











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