🚨 You’re NOT Going To Believe This One! (American's Could Be Arrested When Landing In The UK!)

in finance •  yesterday 

by Neil McCoy-Ward on Neil McCoy-Ward
View my bio on Vigilante.TV: https://vigilante.tv/c/neilmccoyward 🚨 You’re NOT Going To Believe This One! (American's Could Be Arrested When Landing In The UK!)

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I visited the aftermath of the Los Angeles Fires and I was truly SHOCKED by what I witnessed... !

This video is for entertainment purposes ONLY & designed to help your thinking, not direct it. These videos shall NOT be construed as tax, legal or financial advice and may be outdated or inaccurate; all decisions made as a result of viewing are yours alone.

Trading/Liability: Neil McCoy-Ward operates/trades under a private Ltd company within the Isle Of Man.

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