The Examined Life Is An Act Of Terrorism

in fiction •  3 years ago  (edited)

Year 2028

I wrote this diary, seeking to preserve history before they are able to destroy it all. Already I've witnessed a major shift in perception among the majority of us who're left. Just a few scant years ago roughly half of the population understood the big Lie(s) and spoke openly in a naive understanding they could stop what was coming. That they could wake their neighbors up.

They were wrong.

I knew it was futile after the the first pandemic narrative hoax. Watching the many around me subject themselves to narratives that time and again those crafting it would admit were false, either through admission or more often, through action.

Yet despite these purposeful slip ups, I watched as more of the human herd jumped on board. The need to be with the herd forcing a submission to deny facts readily apparent.

Believe the science they would say. As they demanded the ridicule and ejection of all who employed the scientific model. Of any who dared to question any facet of the narrative. Regardless of how much the powers in charge would make obvious they were liars.

They quickly began labeling those who wouldn't comply with their edicts as terrorists.

Object to

  • Being recorded in every transaction one makes.

  • Allowing them to force whatever medical care they deem necessary, even if it causes one to be ill or die as a result.

  • To defer ones entire monetary holdings to the control of the state. Say or do the wrong thing and one loses their ability to transact and live.

  • To live in the overcrowded cities to save the planet. They claimed we had damaged the soil from its ability to soak up our carbon emissions and our only hope of saving the planet was to limit mans interaction with the soil. So we were all forced into the concrete jungles. Where the trees and vegetation were scarce. It was said that our mere presence around the soil and nature would destroy the world and all life as we know it.

  • Becoming cannibals. They introduced that one first by discussing how burying bodies was harmful to the planet, and that we could speed up our efforts to save the planet by using our human bodies as compost for the crops as we rejuvenate the soil. By the time they moved to push that the only meat consumption could be from other humans, they had eradicated most of the dangerous terrorists who dared to examine their lives and the demands of society.

The eradication came in stages. First there were the wars. They set up narratives to pit the nations against one another. Wars that primarily killed the strongest of men who would object to their increased slavery. Knowing full well that the strongest of men care most deeply for those in their locality, they had mostly a willing participation from the men most able to opposes them. The strong men who dared examine the truth that those enslaving us had always went unscathed in these contests were either conscripted to go, and if refusal was the response, charges of domestic terrorism punished by removal from society.

We never saw any of those men again, so it's safe to assume they were murdered. At this point I was thankful to be old, as the decades of poisons and EMF I was bombarded with left me in such a state I assume they felt even if I objected I was no threat.

After the war, it was well known that they could now put thoughts in our very minds. Control our dream states to both test us and elicit information from us as they planted memories and ideas there to take root and grow. Somehow they had deciphered the electrical wave state of our very minds.

They had continued the experiments they had done under the label of Nazis, their first open scientist in this field Dr. Delgado.

It was evident before the purge of free thinking that the dictators had perfected their mind interface technology through yet more unwitting participants under a program called gang stalking.

It appears however that some few of us are impervious for whatever reason to their deepest scanning of thoughts. I question though if this is the case, or if they allow some small amount of us to believe such as I suspect they grow bored at times with their perfectly behaved slaves. It's hard to know what is what with these folks who own humanity.

A great example of this is how before they forced us into the overpopulated cities and outlawed our contact with nature they installed 7G towers across most of the earth. With the chips they forced us to allow them to implant, most who decided to escape the cities after the great roundup are easily tracked and caught.

Despite this, there appears to have been a breakdown in their plan. There is a known tunnel system through the old sewage systems that they would have us believe they overlooked. Some have explored this and left never to be seen again. Others have left to explore the outside and come back with fantastic tales.

My cynicism insists that those never heard from again were quickly caught and killed. That those who leave to explore are some kind of controlled opposition as they set up their little rat maze to toy with those of us. Some sick perverted game where they can set up hope as they love to do, only to crush it at the end when the realization sets in one was little more than a pawn on a larger chess board. A board so large one is ignorant of what is taking place just a scant two squares away.

Back to the seeming truth that some of us are impervious to their mind devices that can read thoughts somehow, and project them into us making them at times seem to be ones very own thoughts.

I long ago began suspecting that it isn't their tech doing this. That there are beings with life beyond our senses, that reside within, or are the actual fields themself.

That somehow this instrumentation allows for their greater manifestation to interact with those who have sold humanity out to them in exchange for power.

That if there is indeed a group of us who are impervious to their full reach, it is some failure in the design of their instrumentation. Perhaps foiled in some way by those of us who have stalked out thoughts, who are naturally aware (sensitive) to our energetic connection to life around us.

Regardless, tonight is the night.

I've decided now is the time to act. I'll leave through the tunnels, and face my fate outside this cursed city. My mental state has deteriorated greatly as I'm forced to be around drones pretending to be human, all signs of free will and examination gone around me as though it was some fairy tale from childhood it ever existed.

Better to die out there due to my age, or worse, being caught in a maze set up for their amusement than continue watching my spirit and mental acuity die daily here as the horrors they demand are embraced with a zeal that both sickens and frightens me in those around me.

I've made as many copies of this documentation as possible. Perhaps out of vanity I hope someone who has been hiding among the sheep may find this and realize they aren't alone.

I take a copy with myself as well. Perhaps as a testament for any who may somehow live outside of these prisons humans have been corralled into. To serve as a warning. Of the depraved schemes those who rule over us are capable of.

And despite knowing I am likely to fail, am likely just a rat there is one thing I'm certain. I feel an excitement I've not felt in years. The excitement only a man of free will exercising it can feel. Much better than this slow death of a hidden examined life. A perfect way to die if that is to be my fate.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh the roaring twenties. The decade of tic tok influencers ends with an old man walking away from it all. Perhaps he meets the source of all this crap. Maybe he finds the answer in the fields. Most likely he wanders off into the fields with the city in the distance as he sees the flash and growing mushroom in the sky. I woundn't be surprised if he meets two or three others like him out there. Still not much hope for humanity. I guess it all happened so fast that nobody had time to think.

I suppose the main character said to his son as he embarked on his pilgrimage:

"Please be a dear and take care of Xanthippe for me."


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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh the roaring twenties.

Hahaha, instinctively my mind first imagined the 1920's upon first reading this.

While I would love to envision the man made it to freedom, given the funding to install 5G everywhere here in the U.S., including the middle of nowhere I suspect his intrusion just about anywhere would be quickly detected and neutralized.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for writing this story. I see where you are coming from. It bothers me when "popular" replaces historical on many search engines. A lot of times a rap singer or pop muscian will be the top search result for simple words. My kids noticed it too. The algorythm itself is brain washing us to give different meanings to words.

For example... search "Black Panther" six years ago and you will find a radical group. Search "Black Panther" today and you get a fantasy character (all due respect to the former actor).

Yes, I hate the replacement, especially when it's some absurd woke nonsense.

The one that used to really gripe me was the movie Walking Tall. Based loosely on the real life of Sheriff Buford Pusser, they recast it using the Rock to play the role. My objection you may wonder?

The events happened during the harsh racial tensions in the south, and Buford appointed a black man the role of deputy, something many in the town were in arms over, giving a black man authority over them. There is no way that they would ever have elected the Rock to the position of Sheriff given their prejudices at the time. They purposely ruined one of the main ingredients that made that true story so powerful in their need to be woke.

I liken it to some who act like they don't understand my objection how they would view a movie on the life of Dr. King and the lead role was given to say someone like Adam Sandler. It would just make a mockery.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  
  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Mystery super power

After political beating...
By thugs.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

imagine the difference between someone trying to describe a song they once heard

and feeling the overwhelming rush of discovering it for yourself

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Chilling post my friend - closer to a potential future than many would care to admit. As with the links you've shared - it's all in place. Just think of the kind of sick, twisted, arrogance that would even consider they had the right to do such a thing. Like you allude to, it's quite demonic.

I long ago began suspecting that it isn't their tech doing this. That there are beings with life beyond our senses, that reside within, or are the actual fields themself.

That somehow this instrumentation allows for their greater manifestation to interact with those who have sold humanity out to them in exchange for power.

I've often thought the same thing, in fact i wrote about it a few years back and hypothesised that they were dark plasma entities - and we were creating an environment that allowed them to manifest here.

Thank you.

and we were creating an environment that allowed them to manifest here.

When I first became aware of the we have to save the planet by limiting the base desires of the commoners narrative it woke me up some. The way the narrative is framed is we evil masses of polluters, as though we were consulted in any way to make everything cheap so it breaks quick, forcing a necessity to ramp up production to keep up with this artificially induced demand.

The packaging (for example plastic milk jugs instead of the glass bottle returnables that used to be how it was done. The forced schemes for crop rotations and approved poisons to be used on those soils etc.

None of us were a part of those discussions on the many ways our environment has been forced to change.

It's a handful of powerful folks making these decisions, the same ones now saying we are to blame as they want us to be limited and themselves not. Crafting a narrative that the ones responsible for all of this are the only ones capable and qualified to be the stewards of human activity to undo what they lie and say we caused.

I remember thinking as i caught on to this obvious lie the fact that if they were human they are in effect creating their own destruction as well. Unless...

They are either not human or serve others who are not human.

I could go on, but it's refreshing to see another who has arrived at the same conclusion(s) I have albeit from a different path to where we are now. The paths might be different, but it appears the foliage along the way appears the same for those who spend the time noticing it. 😀

I remembered I shared the below conversation in one of my old posts, I think it sums it up quite nicely. It was their decision to create this toxic waste filled society - poisoning us in the process and latterly attaching the guilt (which is now a tool of psychological warfare) upon the shoulders of the people, in order to cow them into submission, and control every facet of their lives.

Everyone laments the scourge of plastic - yet why do they point their fingers at one another ("us dirty humans don't deserve this planet") and not the corporate entities that are producing it? Look at Bayer and J&J etc etc who have just been given a rap on the knuckles because many of their products contain "life threatening" levels of benzene. All the while the media has been warming us up to the effect that now 1 in 2 people will get cancer at some point in their lives. Why does nobody question any of this?

I remember thinking as i caught on to this obvious lie the fact that if they were human they are in effect creating their own destruction as well. Unless...

They are either not human or serve others who are not human.

From every aspect that I've looked at, this agenda has been playing out over thousands of years - the sheer scale and complexity of it, the incremental two steps forward one step back - would suggest that there is a narrative that exists beyond a broad comprehension - and certainly beyond a human lifetime of greed and lust for power. There is something deeper that binds them and drives them forward.

I'll add to the below that we also used to have electric milk carts - whose components weren't mined by eight year old Congolese children that have to dig through a toxic wasteland, and separate the rare earth minerals with sulphuric acid.


Yes, this exactly.

I lean towards they cycle humans as slaves, and perhaps there is a cycle that makes the surface uninhabitable. That much like squirrels hoarding their winter stock, as we approach the event they swell the slave population to begin collecting for them as they reintroduce the tech required for our necessary efficiency.

I also lean towards we are a food source for whomever does this.

Though long but comprehensively written and impactful. I so wish those voting will take time to read and understand what's going on in the world. Thanks for the write up ✍️

Thank you.

There is much information packed into this story I wove around it. I've collected much information over the years, and hope some may be strong enough to withstand reading the links I've provided to fully understand the depths of depravity those who rule over us take part in.

After the obvious stolen election here in the U.S. I think it's safe to know now that there will never be a voting away of this problem.

We were shocked if even in the U.S there is rigging of elections where on earth will it not be. Africa especially and Nigeria to be specific rigging has been their on way of conducting and winning elections.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Good post, sir !

I have different theory (not to what is, as no theories are really needed at this point)...

It goes along the lines of the classic "How did you go bankrupt? ...Slowly, then all of a sudden..'

I think (hope), it's the same for the technocratic push, and the age of feudalism/slavery...

Because I see nothing but stupid people pulling the levers...
Brains will beat tyranny, as tyranny is inherently dumb (as painful a process as that may be).

Imagine if all the old codgers, or parents left childless from the chemical soup injections, or anyone who felt they nothing to lose - 'took out' 2 or 3 morons before being dispatched themselves?
It might all come crashing down very quickly.
'We' have the numbers, after all...
They're stupid and they're cowards on an individual basis lets not forget ...(the collective won't ever be able to stop - are incapable of - stopping an individuals actions ).

I don't agree we have the numbers. I believe most are entranced to such a degree they will not be of nay help and likely are impediments.

Once one layer of their pretend leaders are ineptly powerless, they introduce one of the new leaders with the necessary script to move the entranced into a new script as they march forward with their plans.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Once one layer of their pretend leaders are ineptly powerless, they introduce one of the new leaders with the necessary script to move the entranced into a new script as they march forward with their plans.

Cowardice (and a very real possibility of oncoming death if you take the job ), fixes this...
Do you think zelensky would have took the job on, if he knew where his future would take him ?

Re: Solzhenitsyn and, (to paraphrase) ' if we had fucked them over in the buildings, in the beginning, when they came for us...'
Cowards instinctively pick the options/side that offers them the most safety. a 3:1 ratio of inflicted casualties ?.... 'we' have the numbers - by far.
Ironically, 'the collective' would become powerless against the individual...(Vietnam / Afghanistan are not good examples, exactly, but I'm sure you get the drift)...God and his pesky sense of humor.

Looking on the bright side - I don't think 'it' will even be necessary. (hopefully , ineptness and hubris from 'their side' will do the job all by itself )..... Even the most retarded sheep are starting to open a once very firmly closed eye, at the ongoing events.
(Their own children, dying from a government 'mandated' jab does that to a person, apparently.)

...and while i'm on a paraphrasing spree ...
‘Never in the field of human conflict, was so much stupidity shown by so few, openly, to so many’

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Dismal future. Lets hope you are not a prophet buddy.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

signal received

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  


  ·  3 years ago  ·  


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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You've done really well in bringing this informative fiction story to us! Keep it up

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

if the lie is repeated even more than 100 times then the lie will be like a fact. that's how the wrong narrative when repeated the wrong will be true and the right will be wrong.

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