Fiction: The Lost child

in fiction •  2 months ago  (edited)


My day began when my boss at work decided to be mad and angry at everyone, so I woke up feeling dizzy, said my prayers, did a quick clean up at home, I was about to eat when I got a call from my boss, she instructed to come to very early to work because she would like us to have an urgent meeting and also tidy up some files.
When I checked the time, it was really late, so I hurried out of the house without eating.

By the time I got to the gate, her car was already packed out ,I walked quietly to desk, did a quick clean up and then walked straight to the office.
On my way to her office, I found the teachers looking worried and distressed,which got me curious and asking what went wrong, I kept wondering, went in to sign my attendance and as usual went in to summit reports and scheduled meetings to my boss.

At the entrance of her office, I noticed she had visitors, but this visitor were looking worried and stressed, I looked closely it was one of our parents in school, it was at that point I decided to asked a teacher to explain what was going on in the school on that day.

The previous day was a Monday , we had serious lessons and I was too busy to monitor the in and out of students, it was reported that little Miss. Korra left the school premises without her guardian and also didn’t sign out, the gate man couldn’t tell about her way about, nobody could tell about it her movement, which was really strange and scary.

It was then I realized we had a serious issue at hand, I asked if there have checked round the school premises, considering how funny kids can be, she could be in the school lab, computer room or perhaps one of the classes,the gate man said he did.
Questions keep running through my head, I asked if she has a relative she loves so much and decided to spend time with them, the family said no.

That was how the day started with the journey of looking for an eight years old girl, in a big city. The parents after accusing the school and threatening to close down the school if we don’t find her child.

It was hectic and scared day for me, then I realized why we should be grateful to God if our love ones are complete, we searched all day, the parents kept calling, the police came to the school for interrogations and investigations.
We were having a quick meeting about the current situation, everybody was so worried, the class teacher was so speechless, because she kept answering questions from the head of school,the parents and the police.

We were still having this meeting at the hall, when we heard a loud cry upstairs, we all hurried to the old secondary school section, we found this girl seating and crying, at some point we were scared and the head of the school walked close to her to carry her and asked questions, immediately she held her, she fainted.

That was how we ran to the hospital, called her parents and the police.
We all kept wondering why a child of eight would decide to hide and sleep in the school premises.

Why did she feel safe in school?
Why did she hide in school?
What is wrong at home?

We will get the answers to this questions soon.

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