Proxy boyfriend

in fiction •  4 years ago 



I love Mary very much. When she said "Yes" after I told her I love her. The way I saw life suddenly changed. She was my crush long ago and I was so afraid to confess to her. I was an orphan and I was just a working student. Unlike her, she comes from a rich family and of course, she's pretty while I'm ugly. Those were the reasons why I was always afraid of telling her how I felt. I managed to become her friend and we hang out most of the time because of what happened.

I was walking on the road after I finished working in the school. I noticed her crying on the bench. I didn't know what gave me the courage to approach her but I just felt like I must. I hesitated of course, why wouldn't I when she's the love of my life. But I forced my self by giving her a handkerchief to wipe her tears. She looked at me while I was looking in different directions. I was so ashamed to look her in the eyes.

"Thank you," she said.

When she said that I felt like the confidence of other people came inside me. I seated beside her and said.

"Thus tears also cry?" I then smirked at her as she slowly looking at me?

"Why the night is dark? Why the moon is white?" I continued by saying stupid things. I didn't think much why I did that but I just wanted her to stop crying and hoping she will laugh.

"Do you think fish can also in the water?"

After what I said she started laughing.



When she smiled already I told her.

"Hi, my name is Ford. You can tell me what happened."

That's the time I knew that her boyfriend left her. She cried so much because she's pregnant and that's the reason why. She didn't know how to face her parents in situations like this. I felt how she was feeling that time. My mind started to think negative. What if her parents will do something bad to her. I was so concerned about her because I really love her. Then I suddenly told her.

"Are you fine taking me to your parents as the father of your child? I'm still a student for now but only 1 year I will graduate soon."

She looked at with a surprised face and said.

"Are you sure with that? It's not that I don't like you because I know how kind you are. It's just that this is not an ordinary situation."

"Of course, I'm aware of it," I replied her with a smile.



The following days after our conversation with that night we become friends. We didn't tell her parents yet but we were planning what to do. After going out most of the time we became a girlfriend and boyfriend. I was so happy about it and I was willing to accept her of course including her child. Our love was so sweet and very romantic. I really thought that at last, the love of my life will be mine for sure because I can be the father of her child. I didn't think my pride as a man because all I cared of was my love towards her.

The day of the day that we will her parents about her pregnancy has come. She's stomach is getting bigger and it becomes obvious if she didn't hide it from her dress. We talked of that night about what to do. We planned to tell her parents at night as she will tell her that I'm a working student. The words I was going to say was being memorised already as I'm running towards in their house. Sweat is all over my body because I just finished my work in school.



When I'm almost near their house. The heavy rain suddenly falls. I stop in the waiting shed in front of their house. I shelter myself from the rain and waiting for Mary to come out and will fetch me to go inside. My feet will not stop shaking as I'm excited to tell Mary's parents at the same time I"m nervous.

"Why the rain won't stop and where is Mary." In my thoughts.

I saw Mary opens the door smiling. I think he is having a good mode because her face can't be drawn. She looks really happy and it makes me happy as well. I'm smiling while waiting for her to look in the place where I am standing. I will just wave at her if she will look this way.

Her face is slowly looking in my direction. I raised my hand and attempted to wave but I saw a guy with her. I put down my hand as I'm staring clearly who is that man. My tears start to fall before I feel the pain in my chest. I see in their faces the happy couple I'm thinking of. I don't want to watch them but my mind tells me to watch them so happy in love with each other. That guy is Ralp, her ex-boyfriend and of course the true father of her child.

Mary accidentally meets our eyes. My eyes keep on pouring while I keep on wiping it. Mary sees it of course but she decided to look away. I feel like I've been slapped in the face many times. There's nothing I can do for it anymore. I slowly turned my back at her while thinking how happy we were. I begin to walk away while the rain showers me with so much sadness. I want to go back as my heart was left in her but I decided not to. I must respect her happiness because I really love her. Even though it hurts, it's fine this way. I was just a proxy of her love one anyway.


thank you for reading


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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

A wrenching story, and that last line is perfect.

thanks, appreciated