Touched by rain after a long time.

in feelings •  3 months ago 

You all know for a long time that there is no rain anywhere. Due to lack of rain the environment has become warm and it is very difficult for everyone to survive in this warm environment. Still we are trying to survive in many ways despite suffering a lot. However, we humans are much more responsible for such warming of the environment. There are two reasons why the environment has become warmer, one reason may be because of less vegetation and another reason is population growth. If we all tried to maintain the balance of the environment from everyone's place then maybe we would never have to face such problems. But because we humans are very reckless, very reckless, we sometimes misbehave with the environment and it is because of this misbehavior that the environment is reacting so badly. People in urban areas are spending their days in extreme heat. Due to the absence of rain for a long time, the intensity of heat in the city increased a lot.








For several days, we can see that it is raining occasionally in many places, and in many places, along with the rain, heavy hail is appearing, which has destroyed people's houses and other settlements in an instant. However, rains have been seen in many places, but rains have been seen in Dhaka city a few days ago. About two to three days ago today there was a very hot weather during the day due to the very hot weather the environment was very warm. But as the evening came, I was feeling a bit cold, I was thinking that maybe it will rain soon, but there was no rain. I went up to the roof of the house without seeing any rain in the room. Since no one climbs on the roof of the house at night, I and some older brothers sat on the roof of the house and talked for a long time. It felt very good. At night, the atmosphere of Dhaka city always looks different, it is very nice to see the scenery of only lighting and big buildings around. I spent a lot of time on the roof. After spending about two to three hours on the roof, I came down disappointed when I could no longer see the rain. When I came to the room I was feeling hot as before after having dinner and preparing to sleep. Just then the caretaker of the house came and said that maybe it will rain soon, will any of you go to the roof or not? Although we didn't pay any attention to him at first because we had been on the roof for a long time but there was no sign of rain due to which we thought he might be messing with us. Suddenly, hearing the roar of the clouds, I looked out of the window and saw lightning.

Seeing the scene of lightning, I could not hold myself in the room anymore, I and my elder brother went to the roof of the house. It felt very good to go to the roof of the house, the surrounding environment was much colder, along with the cold wind, I could understand that maybe it was raining somewhere. We stood on the roof for a long time waiting for the rain to come, but still there was no rain, only the clouds were shouting and there was a lot of lightning. It seemed that this place would collapse and become lonely now, but there is no rain. We spent about half past twelve on the roof. Suddenly, when a drop of rain touched his body, a different kind of pleasure was working in him. At the same time, I saw a lot of people on the roof hoping for rain. In no time it started to rain and then many people were shouting from the roof of the house next door and many people were dancing. It was very nice to see this scene. After a long time, I could understand that everyone's mood was very good after seeing the rain.






At first I thought that I will get wet in this rain but soon I realized that since it does not rain for a long time, and after a long time when it rains, there is a possibility of acid rain and if this acid rain gets on the body, there is a possibility of causing a lot of damage due to which we took cover before the rain started to fall. I left so that the raindrops did not fall on us. Although the caretaker of the house and the elder brother decided to get wet in the rain but after hearing about the acid rain the elder brother did not dare to get wet in the rain anymore but the caretaker of the house could not hold himself anymore he was soaked in the rain on the roof. And again and again we were called to get wet in the rain but we did not get wet in the rain. For a long time we stood on the roof balcony and enjoyed the rain, it felt great then we went to the room. After going to the room, we were sitting on the balcony of the room and enjoying the rain. It was so much fun that I can't even tell you. In fact, after a long time, it is normal for anyone to have a liking for rain, just like that, a different kind of liking was working between us. My elder brother and I stood on the balcony and enjoyed the rain for about half an hour, while peeking out and seeing the lightning flashed violently. And sometimes the clouds were roaring so loudly that it seemed like it would break everything and break it into pieces right now. After standing on the balcony for a long time, we decided at 1:30 AM that I would not stay awake anymore and go to sleep. As it was raining, I opened the window of the room and in no time the room became very cold.

After a long time, I could understand that I would sleep much better in such a cold room. Actually, it was not hot that night, but towards the end of the night I felt a bit cold. Also, I slept so well that I can't tell you. Now the environment is much cooler than before but sometimes it is very hot but hopefully if it rains for a few days then the environment will be cool again. That was my post for today, hope you all like it a lot. Stay healthy everyone.

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