The Question, "Why Do You Fear the Unknown?"

in fear •  4 years ago 

Why do you fear the unknown? Is it because you do not know what the outcome may be or is it because you are fearful of the consequences of failure? If your answer is the latter, then you are likely holding yourself back. Here's why you fear the unknown and what you can do about it.

First, when you are fearful, you are always looking for negative outcomes. This means that you are trying to avoid risk. Why would anyone want to invest in something that has the potential for failure? The truth is that most people are never going to invest in something that has a high chance of failure. That is why they are investing in the opportunity to learn how to fail and how to learn from their mistakes.

Second, when you are fearful, you are not in touch with reality. Sure, you may know that you are going to fail, but do you really know what the outcome will be? You may think that you know enough about how to fail, but are you really know about what will happen two, three, or ten years down the road? When you don't know what will happen, you shut yourself off from seeing the possible results and this causes you to fear the unknown.

Third, you are shutting yourself off from an unlimited resource - the universe. Think about the last time that you had a setback. Even if you did not suffer a major loss, you probably had a few setbacks. Those setbacks teach you that you can't do it the way that you think you should, so you try to do it differently. Eventually, those actions become a habit and you stop putting them into your mind.

Now that you have identified the fear, you have opened up a fail-safe opportunity. If you are able to identify the causes of your fear (the reasons that you think you cannot succeed), then you have avoided them. In fact, you have avoided them before you started. This gives you the opportunity to take action against those irrational reasons. So, you are able to overcome your fear of the unknown.

Why do you fear the unknown? You need to identify and deal with the real fears that are stopping you from taking action. Once you do this, you can then figure out how to overcome those irrational reasons. By doing this action, you free your mind from the stress, anxiety, and fear that is keeping you from success.

You can always trust in the universal laws. It does not matter whether it is night, day, rain, wind, snow, ice, or sunshine - as long as it is there, you can count on being successful. And that is the truth about why do you fear the unknown. You should try to get a little more creative. As long as you keep trying, you will eventually figure out what it really is that is holding you back.

When you know why do you fear the unknown, then you can start taking action to overcome it. The more you do it, the closer you will get to become successful in whatever field you are in. You just have to be willing to take a little action. Then you will be able to face life with confidence.

There are many different fail-safe answers when you are afraid to try something new. If you can think of 10 things you'd rather not try, you are already ahead of the game. Once you have those things in mind, the next step is simply to write them down and read them every single day. At first, you may find them a little strange and even silly.

However, you must force yourself to continue reading them and repeating them until they become second nature. From this moment forward, you will begin to realize that your original fears were nothing more than nothing but your own imagination. You have nothing to lose by trying out new things and seeing what happens. Sooner or later, your mind will catch up with your desires and you will be able to look at the situation again and decide if the action was worth the risk. Then you will have proven yourself the right person for trying out the new answer.

So, while you may feel uneasy and unsure about it at first, don't allow it to stop you from taking that step. You are taking control of your own life and you owe it to yourself to know the answers to the question, "Why do you fear the unknown?" by answering it with bold, unassailable truths. Only then will your life become more fulfilled and you truly start enjoying the journey instead of just surviving from one failure to the next.

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