Concerns over Mandatory Vaccinations: Our Open Letter to Michigan Representative Hank Vaupel

in familyprotection •  4 years ago 


Dear Representative Vaupel,

I am very troubled by a series of bills introduced this week regarding mandatory vaccinations and the documentation that will be required to prove them.

The concept of having to present “health papers” and undergo medical procedures in order to participate in many facets of society or to be employed is antithetical to a free and tolerant country. It goes to the very heart of what makes us different from the totalitarian governments we and our ancestors fled to protect our God-given rights to direct the course of our own lives.

This entire scheme of requiring us to prove we are medically suitable to participate in normal group events or pursuits is abhorrent and should not be allowed to proceed!

Vaccines have a far higher risk than is often known or admitted. Essential lack of legal accountability on the part of the manufacturers for defects or harmful structural issues in their product makes this a situation where we are being required to submit to medical practices that have little to no practical oversight.

The government “vaccine courts” and reporting systems such a VAERS are woefully inadequate and do nothing to give assurance of the safety of vaccines. Doctors are deliberately not trained on the extent of vaccine issues because of the huge monetary interaction between medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies. In the case of other potentially harmful drugs, danger is kept in check by the threat of legal recourse, something completely blocked in the case of vaccine manufacturing.

Given these gigantic issues, vaccines should NEVER be mandated but left to individual choice. If they are so provably safe and effective, there will be demand.

Because of family members who have suffered direct and ongoing harm from vaccines, I strongly reserve to the right to refuse any vaccine I do not feel safe for myself or my children.

Even the so-called exemption provisions are onerous under these proposed bills. To have to travel to the local health department and be “educated” by their staff on the foolishness of our philosophy before exercising what should be free autonomy over medical decisions is infuriatingly patronizing and potentially dangerous.

The health departments oversee and closely work with the CPS activities in the county. CPS is not a friend to anyone who dares step outside the official norms of left-leaning politically-approved activity, such as someone who holds traditional religious beliefs, homeschools, or decides to delay or refuse vaccinations.

Anyone who shows signs of what is now ominously called “vaccine hesitancy” faces the constant threat of having their ability to parent damaged or even to lose their children, a fear many live with daily even without these potential laws.

To have the local health department given this kind of authority over parents refusing to vaccinate is like putting a fox in charge of the chicken coop. Under no circumstances should they be given the ability to put pressure on medical decisions a family makes.

Freedom means allowing some to make stupid decisions in the name of allowing the vast majority to make much better ones than the government will be able to mandate for them. There is no reason a family cannot make their own objections or exempt themselves at any time for any reason WITHOUT this kind of intrusive oversight.

Exemptions should be freely accepted at the discretion of CITIZENS ONLY.

Please act in your unique capacity as Health Policy Chair to stop proposed legislation HB 6529, HB 6530, & HB 6531, HB 6532 and HB 6533. Our ability to stay safe and well depends on our freedom to make our own closely-tailored decisions for our OWN families, not on the government intruding into our private lives and mandating intrusive medical practices that can and have caused real and permanent harm.

Thank you for your attention.

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A tax action, even if the intent behind it is benign, is worrying and will arouse opposition.

The issue is that also, if the anti-vaccine movements are successful, unvaccinated people can serve as vectors for the spread and mutation of the disease, thereby constituting a biological risk for themselves, their families and society.

I truly believe that further negotiation is needed and trying to reach an agreement, I only hope that the development of the disease itself allows time to argue and achieve a compromise acceptable to all parties.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your comment. We are entering an age where personal medical decisions are being forced upon the populous, with or without their consent, no exemptions. This is evil.

unvaccinated people can serve as vectors for the spread and mutation of the disease,

Please research the history of vaccines, all the way up to the modern age. Their safety and effectiveness is a belief, not a fact. There is a reason vaccine manufacturers are exempt from liability.