in fake •  2 years ago  (edited)

Conveniently, right at this perfect moment (distractions needed), a gay black annoying little dickhead (multiple triggers) who is in a senior position at Fizzer (now the chosen most evil murderers, being primed to be the fall guys while their owners go unnoticed) but who looks and acts more like some clueless twat who would work at Starbucks, reveals all (a bunch of utter crap) on candid camera "to impress a date" (yeah right).


This badly scripted and badly acted sitcom is then drip fed on all social media until it goes viral. This is a big joke, but it's convenient to believe it, just like the hopium crap that Q was posting. The narrative is collapsing! Awesome! - no it isn't, this is just another layer of the narrative. To beat the NWO we need to be much smarter than this...

PS - who do you think Justine Bieber works for?


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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I respect your opinion and we should keep an open mind to the idea that we are being deceived. That our trust may be misplaced. I think Project Veritas is legit. That immature very far left gay man is exactly the type of person these big corporations like Pfizer want because they have very low ethical standards and can't think their way out of a paper bag. They are excellent useful idiots who cherish their "important roles" within the company. People like this have important sounding positions but the fact is, they are simply obedient to the folks above them who are the real brains in the company. Places like Pfizer compartmentalize like the government does.

Now back to Project Veritas. I think they are legit. Could I be wrong? You bet ya! That's why I respect your opinion on this. I know I am not 100% immune to deception.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Screenshot_20230129-192358_Vivaldi Browser-01.jpeg

Some believe the virus is real some do not. Some believe viruses in general do not exist. Some do. Fact is these people do not know for sure as they have not done any studies themselves. It a choice of belief not real actual tangible knowledge. I know there are a ton of people creating content on this and that some of them are "experts" but what have we learned about that? I have seen so much on this including posted on Blurt. The fact is electron microscopes are extremely expensive. I do not have one nor do these people or the other folks online commenting on all this. They simply listened to some convincing folks online. That doesn't make something true.

I have a science background and was exposed to real biological research via my ex-husband. Viruses exist. Now, there can be debate on the roll they play. Sure. But they exist. Does SARS-CoV2 exist? I have no way of really knowing.

The argument that the virus has never been isolated in not true. It is true as far as I can tell that it was not done in a US lab. It was in Turkey and I think India as well.

So, bottom line. These comments prove/show me nothing. Sorry friend.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Im convinced contagion theory is bollocks, and project veritas too, whatever roll viruses may or may not have.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Watch how fast this story is gaining traction all over the controlled alt media - play both sides!

The shills are PUMPING this crap!


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No matter if this whole episode is staged or not, I can't agree more with you for the following...

To beat the NWO we need to be much smarter than this...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Some good points here. He is the poster boy for politically correct, but that might make him feel invulnerable, which he certainly seemed to think by saying this to someone he hardly knows. hm...

This event will augment any and all fear factors out there, which in turn will disable reasoning capacity in many of us.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


So why did youtube censor/delete the Project Veritas video today?


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

To give it some cred I imagine!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org