The difference between faith and trust !

in faith •  3 years ago 


What awesome state of mind we have sometimes. Including trusting or believing in someone or something !

I don't want to dig deeper in the definition of both words, but I'll try to explain each word from my point of view.

  • Trust for me is related mostly to the relationship between people.
  • Faith looks like it's related only to religion and what we believe in.

But we can use both worlds in the same situation. For example believing or trusting someone.

In both words there are similarities. During our lives we get disappointed in both feelings. But our disappointment never make us get rid of them at all. Because we are people, and we should trust in someone and believe in general. As you see the trust is mostly related to human being. So, we trust someone and in case he/she will lose our trust, we may never trust him/her again. And of course we always find someone to trust after that. Because without that, it will be really hard to live. Unlike faith that can be related not only to others, but also to religion. So, we may believe that our god or the spiritual being exists. And in this case some people stop believing in case they don't get what they wanted after praying. But others just feel it without being able to explain it.


The trust is very sensitive feeling. It's hard to obtain it and easy to lose it. The more experience we have in life, the less we trust. Because it became hard to let someone enter our inner world again. We understand how much that painful can be to lose trust in him/her again. And we prefer even to be alone or have a few friends to not allow the wrong people to enjoy our relation. And we maybe even more careful, especially if we are the kind of people who are so emotional. It's like a payment for emotional people. They pay if they overtrust someone and get disappointed. Pay with the pain of losing that person. It's like they realize the true nature of someone and say goodbye to the fake personality existed in that person.


On the other hand there is the faith that's mostly related to the spiritual living we believe in. After learning about so many religions, people usually choose only one to observe. Some of them follow the existing one and others just create their own religion. Their own way of thinking depending on their situations in their lives. And the main reason behind that is not finding the proper religion that matches with their state of mind or the soul if they believe in it. It's great when someone finds his own way to peaceful life without arguing with others and proving that someone is wrong. We mostly know who are the evil against humanity. All peaceful people should be against those who like to create the war. Against those who like to divide others.


Both feelings or states are good. But we should do our best to trust the right people and to believe in the right things.

We live only once, and we shouldn't waste time on people who don't deserve that, or things that are not useful to us or others.

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It's my entry to the following contest : DCC tag contest - Let's support #faith

I wrote this post listening to these great music :

Enjoy ! ☺

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