
in facebook •  4 years ago 

Did you know that YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU do and you are right now living in North Korea?

Covid Vaccine from a mother went into breast milk and then into the baby boy who later died because of it.

Rachel from Friends tells us we have to get c0v1d vookc1nes because as the song goes, "Nobody told me life was going to be this way... when it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year. But I'll be there for you" to help you jump off this cliff of logic.

The sp1ke pr0tein in the glooob gives you cancer.

If Alex Jones, as crazy as he is, can wake up Tucker Carlson, then who can you not wake up? If he can do it, then so can you. That is the hope we have. That is the influence we have on each other. It does work and it is contagious. The truth will set you free and the truth is a storm you cannot tame. You cannot stop the truth from getting out.

My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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Government Gives Bobby Money He Cannot Spend In The Future

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Screenshot at 2021-08-04 23:01:03 Facebook Banned This.png

Facebook put me on a 7 day timeout for sharing an edited poste about Covid Vaccines

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-08-04 - Wednesday | Published in August of 2021

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

Covid Log

Forbidden News | Forbidden Videos | Forbidden Links

Covid Vaccines are killing people. Covid can be killed easily.

11:45 AM
The P5zer c0v1d vookc1ne contains ALC-0315 which helps form nano-particles.

In Modern-NAHHH, there is SM-102 which is a secret ingredient but no questions. You don't need to know what it is. Family secret recipe. Secret ingredient. Just leave your brain at the door and do not connect dots.

Influencer Target Children to Get Covid Vaccines

2021-08-04 - Wednesday - 01:37 PM - Covid Log - Gab

Influencers are being paid millions of dollars to target children as young as five years old to bypass parental consent over medical decisions.

They're putting fear into kids demanding they get c0v1d vookc1nes which is killing people. It is destroying children's lives. We are talking millions of people these next few years and it would take a miracle to save some of them. But what they got is spreading to billions of people. You should tell people about it because we will be FORCED FORCED FORCED to take care of them. We are talking billions of people dying before 2030 or maybe even 2025.

But as people slowly die in the course of a few years and for others within months, we as humans all over the world will be pressured into taking care of them as they die. And as we help them, they pass this BILL GATES BLACK PLAGUE onto us meaning we all die if we do not try very hard to use all the natural remedies, vitamins, etc, we can think of ASAP to constantly keep our bodies from falling off a cliff.

My prayer is to help as many people make the best choices available each step of the way these next eight to nine years, the 2020s as we know is a big fork in the road in world history, which way we go depends on us. Each day counts. Each second counts. The clock is ticking. It is now or never.

11:00 PM
Out of all the v00cc1nes I have taken in my life: Tet-anus, rubella, measles, mumps, p0li0 hep, TB..
Never before have I seen so much confusion over a vaccine that says I have to wear a maask and socially distance even when fully voookcc1nated.
Apparently I could still contract or spread the vie-rus even when fully v000cc111nated.
Never had to have a double shot, never been bribed by establishments to take the vookcc1ne in order to win a car, cash, or other prizes. Never before has a vack-cine been available in Primark!!
I never had to worry about cardiac issues and/or blood clots and even DEATH as a side effect.
I was never judged if I didn’t take it.
I was never discriminated against for travel or other regular services.
The voookcc1nes I have listed above never told me I was a bad person for not taking it, or taking it for that matter.
I have never seen a vookcciiiine that threatened the relationship between a family member or a close friend.
Never seen it used for political gain and never seen it used to persuade kids in favour of free ice cream.
I have never seen a vookcc1ne threaten someone’s livelihood, job, school, etc.
I have never seen a vaccine that allows a twelve year olds consent to supersede his/her parent’s consent.
So after all I have said, can someone tell me how I am a c00nspiracy theeorist, uneducated, non researched because I am not willing to take this v00kcc1ne. UNTIL the clinical trials are over at least two years from now.
Finally, after all the vlaaakkcci11nes (sh000ts) I listed above, I have never seen a v000kc11ne like this one that discriminates, divides, and judges a society such as this one.
So much information is censored, deleted and removed from the internet.
So many d000ctors, sc1entists, are censored and forbidden to speak out or ask legitimate questions when what is being allowed or not allowed does not make sense.
People are taking this v000kcc1ne with DEATH as a side effect to buy back their freedom (which was your human right to begin with. You never lost it) NOT to prevent or keep you safe from a v111rus. Because it isn’t working. People who are double jaaaaabbbbed are getting it and still dyiing from it.
Seriously?? Can you read that again?
This sure is one powerful v00kccine. IT does all of these things that I have mentioned and yet it doesn’t do what all the other v000kcc1nes that I have mentioned earlier were designed to do. That is to fight off C000V1D, a vaerus with a natural recovery rate of 99% thanks to our miraculous i1mmuuune system!
If you do not stand for freedom of choice then you are not in any way shape or form trying to get this country back to normal.
You are promoting a divisive society. Subjecting people to second class existences and stealing the freedom from your own and your childrens future.
REPOST from Rachel Humphreys

2021-08-04 - Wednesday - 11:06 PM
Facebook just banned that post and put me on timeout for 7 days. I literally wrote "c0v1d" and not Covid for example. But it said I wrote those words. I did not. But it said I did. It lied. I wrote gibberish. I also wrote other variations of words like Covid Vaccines and Vaccination and Virus and I substituted those words and other words for gibberish. But within seconds, the post was banned. That is that last post I shared on Gab too which is going around Facebook. I simply copied and pasted that Facebook message and censored all of the banned words and yet it still got banned.

Then Facebook bans Peter Rasp, my other account, but won't say for how long.

My Autobiography

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List of my Favorite Websites

Find Me on social media networks: | Facebook | Instagram | Tik Tok | Twitter | YouTube | Bitchute | Gab | Minds | and other places too.

12:48 AM - Discord
Is Google going to index Hive Blog?
Hive Blog pages are being indexed by Google and search engines a little and it depends on how many links are connected to a page. Web crawling index bots have to get triggered to index and Steemit has been getting indexed more often. But when I google just my name, "Oatmeal Joey Arnold," I end up seeing a post of mine from Hive Blog as opposed to seeing posts I have on Steemit. So, I'm not an expert in how pages are indexed. But I can make some observations like this one.

This community is about learning and teaching the English language.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Here is a photo of me with at an English club in Vietnam in 2013.

Learning English is kind of like eating oatmeal because it takes a bite at a time.

Money You Can Do Nothing With

[2021-08-04 - Wednesday - 04:39 PM - Globalism Log - Gab](

Government: "Hello Bobby, here is five thousand dollars. Just stay at home."

Bobby: "Can I buy food with this money?"

Government: "No. We are all out of food. Good thing we got rid of the competition in the free market. You can only from the government. Good thing we bought up all the food. But sorry. We are all out of food. Hope you enjoy starving to death."

Bobby: "What the bloody Hell? So, what can I buy with the money you give us as an incentive to stay at home and not work?"

Government: "Well, actually, you can't buy anything with your money. Remember, we had an economic great depression back in the year 2023, remember? Now, there are no more goods or services being made. Remember, the government monopolized everything and then drove it into the ground. Well, hope you enjoy the money you cannot use or spend on absolutely anything because there is nothing left. But good thing government kept you safe from dying. Speaking of dying, now that you were saved from death, we pray to Lord China that you truly enjoy starving to death. Have a beautiful day, stay safe, stay home which will accelerate your death, but again stay safe, and safe means dead, and have a beautiful day. Enjoy it as if it was your last day. Well, it might be your last day. Well, you can start a fire with your money to warm yourself up."

Bobby: "...."

Government: "Wait. Sorry. Scratch that. You cannot burn your money in the privacy of your own home because of the fire ban. We cannot put racist carbon into the air which trees need. Oh wait, there are no trees left in the world, thank God. Good thing we sell you oxygen which we are actually out of by the way. So, again, you can't spend your money on anything. And don't burn your cash, we will be watching you through your Smart House, the walls have eyes."

Bobby: "Wait a minute, whatever happened to private property rights? You can't spy on me, I have rights."

Government: "Careful Conrad, you're starting to sound a little toxic. Besides, the archaic cult known as land rights is way too dangerous and rights are temporarily discontinued until the government deems it safe to bring back rights. So, be a good non-binary carbon-maker and stay safe. It is for your own good. It is also for the greater good which is in active opposition to your own good. But nonetheless, let me not get ahead of myself, it is for your own good and your good must comply with the greater good which is determined by the will of the honorable global state. Live long and do not prosper. Thank you. Good bye. And please do not call back or else we will have to send the dogs back in to discipline you for Thought Crime against Humanity. Thank you."

This community is all about wholistic medicine, natural remedies, cures, prevention, etc.

Being healthy is like living life with common sense because if you got none, then you'll probably fall off a cliff. If you got none, you'll lose your mind and your oatmeal.

Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Conspiracy Theory starring Mel Gibson - 1997 film - Part 2

2021-08-04 - Wednesday - 01:48 AM - 02:54 AM - Conspiracy Theory starring Mel Gibson - 1997 film - Part 2

Goes to buy book. 01:10:00 minutes in apx. I am continuing watching this movie from yesterday. They go after him. Chase. Theater. Julia in bed. She puts bottle on door nob and says she is turning into Jerry. Follow girl. Flowers. Bus. Car trap. Different levels at war, different factions of the globalists fight with each other for control over people. Jerry mentioned that. I love you. No you don't. He walks onto the subway and away from her. Patrick Stewart mentioned the MK-Ultra but the details are different than what they are in real life. Some of it is kind of the same. In this movie, it is about turning men into killers but but in real life it begins with mind control of children. So like Britney Spears. And Pat said it ended in 1973 I think and in real life I forget. So, kind of similar but the movie version is a little off I think. Pat tells her that Jerry killed her dad. Pizza box bridge. Changed car. Drive away. Phone call trace. Shooters mentioned. One cop is the actor who was in Suits, the friend of the main star but not the boy. The one who played Lewis. He did not kill her dad. He met him. Coffee. She believes him. Helicopter. Run. Like horse. Sorry. To find Jerry. Rescue. Fight. He almost drowns Patrick. She shoots Patrick into the water after Patrick shot Jerry. Looks like Jerry died but they faked his death so he can continue to help the good FBI find the bad people. So, Jerry is trying to remember things he forgot due to MK-Ultra. She rides her horse at the end and sees a pin on the horse saddle which says he is alive. So, she know he is out there still. But has to wait until he can come out of witness protection or whatever it might be as he goes undercover to help the feds find the bad guys and stuff. But she also went to the grave site to say she misses his face. There was a kiss earlier. Good love story in this movie, very moving. Tears to my face. She is pretty beautiful and not so much at first I thought at the beginning of the movie but a lot better later on and more and more as things went along.

11:49 AM
Conservative Politics - IF PEOPLE GET JABBED AFTER WATCHING THIS THEY ARE BEYOND SAVING - Cartoon regarding Covid Vaccines

Here are some o the side effect but don't worry because it is totally safe.

The P5zer c0v1d vookc1ne contains ALC-0315 which helps form nano-particles.

In Modern-NAHHH, there is SM-102 which is a secret ingredient but no questions. You don't need to know what it is. Family secret recipe. Secret ingredient. Just leave your brain at the door and do not connect dots.

12:17 PM

He punches you in the face. You scream, "Stop punching me." He shouts, "I didn't punch you. You're a conspiracy theorist. You're dangerous. It doesn't exist. You're spreading misinformation. I don't even exist. You're dangerous to society. People need to punch you many times to put you in your place."

The sp1ke pr0tein in the glooob gives you cancer.

Rachel from Friends tells us we have to get c0v1d vookc1nes because as the song goes, "Nobody told me life was going to be this way... when it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, or even your year. But I'll be there for you" to help you jump off this cliff of logic.

12:42 PM
If Alex Jones, as crazy as he is, can wake up Tucker Carlson, then who can you not wake up? If he can do it, then so can you. That is the hope we have. That is the influence we have on each other. It does work and it is contagious. The truth will set you free and the truth is a storm you cannot tame. You cannot stop the truth from getting out.

01:07 PM

Which state has the most expensive power bills? California. What color is that state? Blue.

People go to freedom marches. Phones track them with face tracking apps. The data is sent to government and police are sent to their houses so they can beat the Hell out of them.

Your phone tells the police when you "WRONG-THINK." That is directly out of the book titled 1984. We are living inside a simulation. Wait. No. We are living inside that book. Reading Rainbow. Take a lot, it's in a book, a reading 1984 in reality.

04:08 PM
Did you know that YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU YOU do and you are right now living in North Korea?

04:41 PM
Leana Wen is a monster

08:43 PM
Disclosure Library - HE DEEP RIG - DOCUMENTARY 2021

They said there was no wide-spread election fraud in 2020. But it doesn't matter if there wasn't any wide spread fraud because there was at least a bunch of deep cheating and meddling happening in several counties in the swing states allowing for the electoral college votes to flip.

14 billion dollars spent in 2020, most of it was spent to take down Trump. Don't you wish some of that was just sent to your house instead?

11:53 PM
Moderna was a cancer company and not a vaccine company not too long ago.

Covid Vaccine from a mother went into breast milk and then into the baby boy who later died because of it.

Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching

Conspiracy Theory starring Mel Gibson - 1997 film - Part 2

2021-08-04 - Wednesday - 01:48 AM - 02:54 AM - Conspiracy Theory starring Mel Gibson - 1997 film - Part 2

11:49 AM
Conservative Politics - IF PEOPLE GET JABBED AFTER WATCHING THIS THEY ARE BEYOND SAVING - Cartoon regarding Covid Vaccines

12:17 PM

01:07 PM

04:44 PM
Shari Raye - PENTAGON IN LOCKDOWN!!!!!! 4 OFFICERS???????

08:43 PM
Disclosure Library - HE DEEP RIG - DOCUMENTARY 2021

10:40 PM

10:41 PM

10:50 PM

11:33 PM

Dear diary, got up at 11:15 AM. Monitor out there working. So, press power button on tower and then things started showing. Before that, blank screen. Next, mouse plugged out and then back in to be recognized. Breakfast at 12:15 PM after a cartoon video on Covid Vaccines. Dishes, 12:50 PM apx, lunch at 01:07 PM. Dishes around 02:00 PM, backyard forest bending bushes, trimming, weeding, pruning, trying to redirect woods towards the center and away from the parameter to keep it strong and to reduce the need to cut branches and such later on. Mail at 04:00 PM. Watering tomatoes, new grapes, onions, cabbage, garlic, weeding, bending, gardening, pruning, around 05:30 PM. Compost. Recycling. No trash pickup. I mean Joey pick-up and take out to the dumpster or I mean wheeled trash can. Toilet paper refilled in the afternoon today. Empty boxes put into book shed which the door is hard to open a bit but I can do it. Now it is 05:45 PM. 2 glasses of water or so. Was already full from dinner and now more full from the water but the filtered water is good. Pretty hot day at probably around 90 degrees F. Nap around 5 to 07:30 PM. Dishes. Now it is 08:00 PM.

Food log
Breakfast: coffee, apple and orange slices, 12:18 PM.
Lunch: a few spoons worth of soup, smoothy yogurt, 01:07 PM.
Dinner: soup on corn chips, 04:04 PM.

08:12 PM
Template made
Empty Post Template - Photo Section, rest is empty, text justify header and body

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Government Gives Bobby Money He Cannot Spend In The Future


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