Experts-Who Do You Listen To?

in experts •  3 years ago 

I think this old meme illustrates perfectly how they would like it to be. They speak, you listen and obey.

The more they take the mickey out of ‘conspiracy theorists’ the more conspiracies are unleashed. I’ve been watching all the new ones cropping up and trying to gleen what I can from the info deluge. What is factual and what is assumption. What are these ‘crazy’ ‘conspiracy nuts’ basing their findings on? Some of them are ‘geneticists’, immunologists, scientists and have had nothing to do with ‘conspiracies’ before except that they are part of one of the longest running conspiracies in modern history, whether they know it or not. Others are long time hard’nuts’ in the game.
I’ve kind of socially distanced myself from ALL mainstream media for years now but even last year I’ve had to turn off even what I considered more relevant journalists and news sites because they seem (to me at least) to be just going round and round in circles too, picking at the small stuff, the crumbs of the msm who are still playing the same broken down record since March 2020. Masks, flu, skewed data, viruses, deaths, cases, tests and on and on ad nauseum.
I just can’t fathom how people are still talking about the same stuff. I feel like I’m making headway then someone makes me listen again to Richie Allen and I find I’m having to run on the spot to wait for these people to catch up but they’re not following. They’ve gone round the track again and some of us are already in another playing field altogether playing a new game.

For the last 5 years there was a big surge in those who thought the only way we can fight the science is to use the science. Peer review was the mantra and no layperson was allowed to have a view unless it had been ‘peer reviewed’ or they could back up what they say with some piece of paper. This ‘scientism cultishness’ was creeping into all sectors and movements. Effectively it became a form of gagging and censorship. Basically it was saying if you are not qualified to understand the science your voice is irrelevant and I’m using the words ‘qualified’ and ‘understand’ in as sarcastic a tone as can be mustered here.

Doctors and other medical professionals?
Are they really ex-spurts when it comes to a worldwide plan’demic ‘vaccine’ marketing campaign? Firstly MD’s do less than 7 hours of spoonfed reading on vaccines and most of that is studying the schedule, not ingredients nor anything relevant to safety or more importantly efficacy. When I say that most parents who do their own research into vaccines know more than any MD I am not joking. It is absolutely true. Once a doctor has finished his indoctrination/training from the literature he has been told to learn from, he will have no time to update or flesh out what he has learned from then on. Any updates come directly from pHarma reps and administration level. So if they are calling the covid shots ‘vaccines’ you can immediately switch off. They haven’t a clue in other words. You really are much better off listening to those pesky ‘ani-vaxxers’ everyone warns you about. Some of them are actual ‘experts’ and even qualified doctors and MD’s.

Scientists? Now this depends on who is paying them. There are virtully no independent scientists today they all work for or are funded by pHarma so their ‘results’ depend on what the paymaster wants. You get the odd so-called ‘whistle blowers’ but on careful scrutiny they turn out to be still pushing the old narrative like Yeadon and Micovits, supposedly whistle-blowing to gain trust then pushing the virus theory again and promoting their own businesses of ‘immune therapy’ or new ‘treatments’ for the fictional malady. So they are still whistling the same tune in other words. They’ve been coming up with new drugs for profit ever since the takeover of medicine began with Jenners patenting of his cowpox jab putting all medicines into only the hands they deem worthy ie. the freemason mafia.


On this occasion ask yourself ‘qui bono’, who benefits. Are your friends making money by warning you about ‘vaccines’ and pHarma? Do they have a business selling their own ‘snake-oil’? Or are they just trying desperately to save their loved ones from harm? Just today a good friend wrote that she had ‘read my stuff’ and she ‘didn’t agree’ BECAUSE she ‘knew people’ who had been sick this year. I’m beginning to think some people are actually enjoying this. Why else would they turn a blind eye to the real remedy when it is shoved in their face? Is there such a thing as an addiction to allopathy? I know there is, I’ve seen people go willingly back time and again until their eventual death. Hypochondriacs who become self proclaimed exspurts in the allopathic mantra and love to play the perpetual victim. They are the ones keeping the wheels on this gravy train turning. Like the last sentence of that post above, they will rinse and repeat with relish.


Do I really need to explain this one? The word itself says it all. Latin explanation- govern=to control, ment=mind. Government is mind control and they are doing it so well. If you are listening to them you are truly hypnotized and the media is the hypnotic stage show. FEAR is their weapon of choice and the ammo is always a ‘virus’. Their stage is the mainstream media.
Without the virus they have no ammo to produce the fear which is why we have to prove there is no invisible bogeyman virus. It is the only real remedy.
Last week the CDC announced that PCR (which the whole plandemic has been based on) does not differentiate between flu and convid so they will be trashing it. Did this wake the stragglers up? It really should have shouldn’t it? Those ‘friends who got sick’ all based on this bogus test. Maybe it’s a case of not wanting to admit they’ve been duped. They’ve committed up to their necks and would rather sink in the quicksand than admit they’ve been conned. Yes I know there are people that will die for their cause which is noble if the cause is true. This cause tho is virus theory which is based on lies, money, power, greed and genocide.


I don't know why I didn't include them in the original article, maybe because they were becoming so transparent and then along came Dr Malone which is why I made a seperate post all about him in which someone else has done all the legwork.
In my experience whistle-blowers are a bit like the famous pipe-player of the folk story - The Pied Piper. In other words they don't tell us anything we don't already know they just lead you down the garden path like kidnapping the gullible children and locking them away where they can do no harm. Forget them. My rule of thumb is anything that goes 'viral' is about as reliable as a 'virus' which is based on fairytales too.


I have tried my best to expose the lies. I’ve been waiting for friends and family to leave the cult but they don’t seem to want to. I know how they get people out of cults in real life, they kidnap them back. How do we do that on such a massive scale? Answers on a postcard please……….

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It is no longer about exposing the lies - altho that remains necessary to keep the info fresh - but about creating the most effective "anti-propaganda techniques".

One technique is personal stories - go for the heart and the tears - there are 1000s of those now. Then end it with an action command.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I still recall the disastrous anti-drug campaign in the UK - Just Say No!
you remember?

Years later, I analysed why it failed. IMO it put in people's mind the wrong message.
Just say no! is a form of disobedience - indeed, people were using it as a catchphrase for anything they disliked!!
I also don't think it a coincidence that Nike then hammered home the "just do it!" mantra. Hidden is that fact it is an imperative - a command - behave! obey!

That kinda perfect mantra would be dynamite!!!

You obviously know how propaganda works on the psyche. yes I know the personal story thing works a treat, I used it in my cancer article (not for propaganda purposes tho but because it was true and also the story of my search for truth). I will ponder on this revelationary info. Thanx

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Such things often arise from long brainstorming plus experimentation.
brainstorming in public?

The other thing to look at is neuromarketing - a next step in how propaganda works on the psyche pre-consciously. In many ways it also justifies why NLP works. Humans make decisions a split second before even aware of it - the tragic part is that the justifications then often have nothing to do with the observed neural processes.

yes I know I make decisions from my gut. I've learned to listen to it, it's always right.


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