in examination •  3 years ago  (edited)



First and foremost, my respectful greetings to all the promoters of this platform and as we all know education is very important because it brings great development in one's life.


Examinations are intended to measure how effectively you have studied a subject or course. So, the best way of preparing for examination is to develop systematic habits of study.

Study ensures that you are ready for an examination and at any point in time write about it from many points of view.

Your performance in an examination can be improved by careful preparation and mastering examination technique.


"Failure to prepare is preparing to fail"

You do not have to begin to prepare for examination a day or few days before the examination. Preparation for examination begins you receive your first lecture.


The following points are necessary while preparing for an examination:
1.) Get a copy of the syllabus or scheme of work to enable you know what ground has to be covered.

2.) Make sure the textbooks you have cover the topics in the syllabus adequately.

3.) Get from your teachers / lecturers an outline of their courses together with book lists and important references.

4.) Go through past questions which have been set in the last three or four years.

5.) Try and find out all you can about the conditions of the examination. The conditions includes;

i.) How many papers you have to sit.

ii.) Time duration for each paper.

iii.) How many questions to be answered.

iv.) Choices of questions usually given.

v.) Nature of the questions i.e. whether they are objective, subjective or essay types.


Examination helps one to know his level of performance and knowledge.
It creates a sense of competition which pushes a person's to do more and to do best.
Good performance in examinations brings scholarships and awards.
Good grades translate into better job placement and remuneration.
It also measures a teacher's skills and flaws and if any subject should be re-taught or explained differently.


Studying at every level requires special techniques. The mastery and employment of these techniques are the prime determinants of success and excellence in examinations.

Please we should endeavor to follow the guidelines listed above because it will be very helpful.

Have it in mind that it's very easy and not difficult to carryout.


Cc: @r2cornell

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