Everyone wants to have a beautiful snow-white smile♥♥♥♥♥♥

in everyone •  2 years ago 

Types of teeth whitening - advantages and disadvantages. How much does it cost to whiten teeth in dentistry? Teeth whitening features in modern dentistry are the way to whiten teeth to the dentist
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Everyone wants to have a beautiful snow-white smile, and many have at times wondered how you can whiten your teeth without seeing a dentist, but using a variety of methods and home appliances. It is quite difficult to say unequivocally which is the best way to whiten hard tissue, as it depends on many factors.

At different times, laughter had completely different ideas about fashion and beauty: white, yellow, brown and even black were preferred.

In Europe at the beginning of the 19th century, many rich people tried to give their teeth a yellowish tinge, because their face looks whiter against their background, which is a sign of aristocracy.
Residents of some African tribes, as well as individual cities in India, Japan, and Europe, find black teeth the most attractive. The women rubbed their teeth with charcoal, or put a banana peel on them, which darkened in the air and, after drying, clung firmly to the enamel.
In the late 18th century, a fashion for decorating teeth with gold crowns began. And if the crowns are now installed, if the tooth is destroyed, even the healthiest tissues have become special, since gold plating serves as a sign of wealth.
In India, as well as in Russia, brown teeth were an indicator of high social status. The cause of this shadow was normal Caris. People believed that if a person lost his teeth, it meant he was not hungry and had money for sugar, which was considered a luxury in those days.
In the thirties of the twentieth century, the first thin overlay appeared on enamel - veneer. They make my teeth look straight and white. It was in those days that the word "Hollywood smile" came up

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