QOTD #2: What is wrong with the world?

in ethics •  3 years ago 

QOTD: 1,2

Slow beginnings are like a snow ball. Temptation of distractions to steer you off from finishing your planned goal. Stress, anxiety, the non-silent world is screaming at you. You're in the center of the stage on the field. Everyone is there, and you have the opportunity to catch attention massive attention. But what if no one listens?

It is your time to shine. Yes, you may have no idea on how to do it. You may fail miserably. Maybe you have a million ideas, but somehow sticking to one is just not cutting it. Do you try to do them all at once?

How will that ever work?

You're so sure about the results when you haven't even begun. Stuck on page one. Is it time to move to page 2? Will thy start over again?


Every day is a fresh start. Forgetting about yesterday's mistakes is a foolish errand. Every single time we have the opportunity, there will always be a brick wall there to slow you down. If that wall stops you, then enjoy your moment there for eternity. Those who will not stop will only use you as a stepping stool to climb over that wall. And now everyone is climbing over you when you alone had the power to break that wall. But you either forgot that ability, or maybe you did forget. What then?

Waiting for a hand to reach in and help you out? Small chance. VERY small. But yet so many losers cling on to hope. Hope is an illusion.
Or potentially not. Why not take a skim through on what I take on what magic is... It is...

"The universal life force"



Black & White Magic by The Gnostic Warrior.png


How can we as humans get to understand what that is anyway? What are the required experiences for salvation?

What is it like to understand something for the first time? What decision changes did you make? Did these changes make a positive impact on your life? In what way? Also, when did you start to notice different behavior results from those around you? Was their reaction positive or negative overall? How did the entire experience affect your loved ones?

What about when we discover something to not be true at all?

Remember when you discovered Santa Claus did not exist anymore? Can you remember how you felt? Was it easy to accept, or have you been in self-denial your whole life?

Many still think you still believe in Santa Claus. Only now you call it "government". So many amongst these types have gotten together, proceeding under threat, duress and coercion at all times, to help the world realize the illusion veiled over the eyes of the masses.

Who are they that see past the veil of ignorance? Are they the ones that just believe in things to be just true, without any shred of searching to see if that is true or not?

Faith really is a fools' path.

When one loses faith completely, they seek for what is slightly within of reach. But something is holding them back. What dark force keeps man in chains from seeking out knowledge?

I mention the "government" as an idea reflecting back through with malevolence. Malevolence is too kind for what those that calls themselves "government". More so for the type that also does evil using these "powers of government" to steal, rape, pillage, crimes against humanity, genocide, torture innocent, harassment, mental warfare on civilians, etc. etc. etc. The list is ridiculously long.

Yet, something keeps you bounded to try the ideas of the very same "people of government" to save everyone from salvation. Does this not look to you like an act of faith to you?

What do you suppose is their connection to keep you coming back for more?

What is "Universal Life Force"?

I shan't tell. Discover it. Get to understand how to harness it for our own self development, rather than giving it away to superstitious characters with dogmatic beliefs who, of course, know very well what they do. Otherwise, they would not work without rest to have you give them your liberties away to them.

You seek to understand heavenly things when you haven't even discovered this earth. This world is wicked. And it is like that. By design. Why is that?

Something is wrong with the entire universe. It is a prison complex for trapping souls. And it is perfect.

Why would God create such a thing?

Or maybe God did not create this universe?

Possibly it was the demiurges? A being sheathed light sent by God and pretended to be God is also the creator of this universe? Where do people find these so-called discoveries? How did these Gnostic of old, come to "g-now"? What "saved" them?

Why do we need saving? Why did we enter a universe to be saved or to look for salvation? What is it that we did to deserve this prison as a home? You can travel anywhere in the universe, but you may never escape it except through "holy works" where once your atonement is fulfilled you are sent back to the source to be as one. Is that really what we must do in this life? What value do we need to add to this already valuable, abundant universe? Is there really nothing new under the sun? Then what are we supposed to create?
What is it that we need to destroy?


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