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  ·  last year  ·  

there are three distinct categories

provably true

provably false

the rest is qualia

for example

just because something may NOT be provably true, does not make it "untrue" or "false"

most claims simply have no truth-value at all, neither positive or negative

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  ·  last year  ·  

What you can prove, or not, depends on your assumptions. Since we all have varying assumptions, nothing can be proven absolutely true or false. All is qualia. Morality is qualia. This is why freedom (free will?) is so crucially important. If it even exists.

This has been great. I feel like I have a young and agile brain again. Thanks for shaving fifty years off my age.

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  ·  last year  ·  

except when i design a computer chip

it's pretty easy to verify


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