RE: I have spent lot of years mainly figuring out what myself and this reality is all about.

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I have spent lot of years mainly figuring out what myself and this reality is all about.

in ethics •  15 days ago 

By the way, that is why there are monasteries and monks who practise this kind of self-discipline. According to the strict rules of their realisations. Since the monks know that they would hardly be able to maintain this kind of self-discipline in life out there, they become monks.

it becomes a schelling-point problem

desire not to desire

if i could scam a bunch of people into paying me to meditate all day and live surrounded by nature, that would be very hard to turn down

but that is merely a different path

not a superior path

seeking enlightenment is like riding an ox in search of an ox

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  ·  15 days ago  ·  

seeking enlightenment is like riding an ox in search of an ox

HaHa :D yes, funny way to put it.