RE: I have spent lot of years mainly figuring out what myself and this reality is all about.

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I have spent lot of years mainly figuring out what myself and this reality is all about.

in ethics •  15 days ago 

That's why the Master says "if you think you have it, you don't have it. If you have it, it's not because you think you have it." Or something like that.

right, it starts to make sense in that light

but "pure being" or whatever you want to call it is also not exactly "a goal to be achieved" in the way we normally think of "accomplishments"

it's more of an understanding that "the integral" will always be there and HAS always been there, and now that you've caught a glimpse of it, there is really no need to "pursue" or "maintain" it

it's not going anywhere

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  ·  14 days ago  ·  

I agree, it is more of the attitude to let it happen instead of hunting it. LoL

Sometimes all of this sounds very esoteric and in order to not hunt and grip these esoteric insights too grimly, one can turn to foolishness on purpose.

For example, I talk to my husband like a rude fishwife. We say to each other "Shut up" or "Don't whinge" or "Faster, you lame horse!". We get humor out of talking like "'simple folk". If someone has a mishap, like knocking over a glass, we say "Stupid!", which we picked up from my brother.

He has established this in his company to such an extent that when someone drops a spanner, the colleagues shout "Stupid!" from all corners. It became such a running gag.

A colleague told him that when he was in the supermarket and a shop assistant dropped something from the shelf, he shouted "Stupid!" loudly and automatically. Hearing that story, we could hardly contain our laughter.

  ·  14 days ago  ·  

Fight club was such a cool movie. First time seeing it, left a lot of impression on me.

  ·  12 days ago  ·  

same for me