in ethics •  3 years ago 

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 6:09 AM


Philosophy Tube
Vaccines & Freedom | Philosophy Tube

LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:13 AM
Yeah, so not every one has the same reasoning --or lack thereof-- for not getting a covid vaccination. So what LCZ. I know this already. I also know/believe the majority --like yourself--- are pushing a false narrative { to whatever degree }, or there a resultant set of those pushing a false narrative, who, if sitting on the fence, will easily fall onto the side of, why take a chance with any vaccine,if I'm young, or healthy 40, 50, 60 year old?
...Masks work. I have young semi-friend who believes all who got the covid vaccine will be dead in three years. Say what? 1] there is at least 3 kinds of covid vaccine in USA, so this person belives the three resultant is same for all three... ????....

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:19 AM

i'm trying to help you make a better argument, i'm not trying to "change your mind"
this video is YOUR STEEL MAN
i'm not "pushing a false narrative"
i'm very much PRO-VACCINE
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:21 AM
......Where do these ideas with my friend and those like her, stem from? People like you? Most likely. Are there some false narrative scientists types out there spreading these kind of prediictions.

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:22 AM

you're kidding me, i've never said "everyone who gets a vaxx will die"
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:23 AM
.." people like you? " was my statement.
...It is the paranoia-like stance you present that we are on our way to a authortarian dictatorship,, not a health crisis what we citizens should be more concerned with. This is LCZ, and others like you.
..Yes you do push a false narrative because masks work, and you encourage those who don even believe viruses{ contagions } and bacteria { contagions } exist. Sad sick n head beliefs.

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:29 AM

are you suggesting that open-minded people who are willing to let others think for themselves are DANGEROUS LUNATICS ?
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:30 AM
I',m only suggesting what I stated.
...Viruses and bacteiral contagions exist

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:30 AM

with vague statements such as "people like you"
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:30 AM
..Masks work
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:31 AM
False, as you forgot the question mark I used
..Masks work and contagions exist

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:31 AM

sure, masks might "reduce" the spread of contagion from coughs and or sneezes
but the scientific evidence of this is very thin
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:32 AM
..Oh so now you think contagions exist?

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:32 AM

and coughs and sneezes are not the primary vector (according to the news)
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:32 AM
..No the science is not thin on masks werk, what is thin is your critical thinking on that matter

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:32 AM

"asymptomatic spread" is the main killer
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:33 AM
Spread is mostly caused by expelling of viruss from mouth and nose
..First you and others have to believe viruses even exist
....commoon sense tells even the most strong anti-vaxxer that masks reduce the degree of flem with contagions from being spread, to whatever degree

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:35 AM

Understanding the Threat
Dr Anthony Fauci Says Masks Don't Work

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:36 AM

including people touching their faces
airborne particles can spread infection into your EYES
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:37 AM
.....My younger friends belief that all who vaccinated will be dead in three years stem from you and people like you spreading a false narrative that morphs into all kinds of nonsense
..Yeah into eyes also so what

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:37 AM

you are insane if you think i'm responsible for what your "friend" thinks
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:37 AM
..Your not reading my statements correctly
...it is your false narrative, and others like you that result in some believing all kinds of nonsense.
...we have people today who do not believe humans landed on the moon, that the earth is sphierical and other non-sesne

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:40 AM

each person is allowed to think for themselves
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:40 AM
Yeah so what?

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:40 AM

you can't blame me for what your friend thinks
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:41 AM
I can blame you for adding the world a yet another new false narrative

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:41 AM

the failure of your "narrative" is a failure of communication skill
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:41 AM
At least I make attempt to speak the truth

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:42 AM

60 to 70% vaccination is more than adequate based on historical studies of disease control
and you've "won" that one already
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:42 AM
Viruses and baterial contagions exist

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:43 AM

who are you talking to ?
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:43 AM
Masks work more than being detrimental

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:43 AM

i also talk to christians
that doesn't make me a christian
i also talk to muslims
that doesn't make me a muslim
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:43 AM
.Apparrently not you, cause you seem to miss most of the points Ive made

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:44 AM

i also talk to flat earthers
that doesn't make me a flat earther
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:44 AM
It makes you part of a false narrtive crowd

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:44 AM


LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:45 AM

that makes you part of the "mindless robot" crowd

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:46 AM

i've never been "anti-vaxx" OR "anti-mask"
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:46 AM
Robots have there own kind of virus but not bacteria. Viruse exist and they kill, you dont seem to get that, as the friends you keep dont seem to get it

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:46 AM

get a shot if you want a shot
wear a mask if you want to wear a mask
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:46 AM
keep spreading a false narrative if you want

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:46 AM

do it
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:47 AM
do it

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:47 AM

if you're convinced you need it

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:47 AM

what is my "false narrative" ?
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:47 AM
if your convinced you need to spread false narrative and encourage others to do so

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:48 AM

if you're vaccinated already, why are you so afraid ?
you're safe now
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:48 AM
..Masks work in a health crisis involving aersol spread of viral contagion, LCZ read my lips/text

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:49 AM

masks are not going to keep you from getting infected from airborne particles
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:49 AM
..I fear your and others false narrative false flags etc

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:49 AM

why ?
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:49 AM
I'm for truth

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:49 AM

you're safe now
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:50 AM
Notg safe from false narratoive

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:50 AM

if you really want to "save lives" you'd be in favor of making refined sugar illegal and forcing all automobiles to drive 45 miles per hour

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:51 AM

it's really pretty funny how much you "care" when you're scared of your own shadow
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:51 AM
Thats correct LCZ, twist and evade your false narrative of viruses and bacteria contagions

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:52 AM

you're talking to the wrong person, i've never suggested the covidz are "not real"
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:52 AM
False narrative, leads to were the vaccinated all dead in three years

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:52 AM

i get all of my information from CDC.GOV

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:53 AM

you're talking to the wrong person, i've never suggested such a thing
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:54 AM
Vaccinated all dead in three years, masks dont workd, contagions do not exist, truth doesnent matter any more......irrational non-sense is the new norm....thanks to LCZ and other like you
....these all stem from covid false narrative and you do contribute to that

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:55 AM

i'm not a mind-control-puppet-master
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:55 AM
....words matter
..your words are clear, masks dont work

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:55 AM

"contact-tracing" is 100% ORWELLIAN NIGHTMARE
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:55 AM
...contagions dont exist etc

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:56 AM

i never said either of those things
masks might, in some situations, mitigate "some infection" but they certainly won't protect you from getting infected
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:57 AM
you need to go back and read you text for last two years LCZ

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:57 AM

you need your brain checked
the covidz is real
masks might help, but are not 100% effective
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:58 AM
and take your non-sense buddiew with you to read your and their text

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:58 AM

you need to focus on stating your own claims
and stop trying to straw-man your perception of my claims
try asking a question
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:59 AM
I state what has been stated and Ive heard, ex all who had vaccine dead in three years.

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:59 AM

LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 8:59 AM
didnt say you did

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 8:59 AM

LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 9:00 AM
Because it stems from your false narrative and those like you.

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 9:00 AM

i'm not defending that claim

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 9:00 AM

no, it fucking doesn't
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 9:01 AM
Broad brush, not you ..made that statement...stems from is a resultant of people like you espousing non-sense, breeds great non-sense, etc, you dont seem to get this yet
Viruses and bacterial contagions exist.
.....these younger people understandbly not worried of dying from covid, but to get lead into more and more false narrtive breeding ground is problematic for humanities future to seek and find truth

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 9:07 AM

i'm advocating for a free marketplace of ideas
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 9:08 AM
False, I'm advocating for seeking and finding truth
..Viruses and bacterial contagions exist
...vaccines work in minimizing a health crisis

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 9:12 AM

wow, me too !!!!
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 9:12 AM
...masks work in both of the above two

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 9:12 AM

i agree 100% !!!!!!
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 9:12 AM
some around do not and you encourage them

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 9:12 AM

more or less agree

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 9:13 AM

what, by not refusing to speak to them ?
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 9:13 AM
relative truths requir relative agreement, understood
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 9:14 AM
you speak to and encourage some of the nonsense in this group

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 9:14 AM

you clearly think they are more effective than i do, but there is probably a non-zero effect

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 9:14 AM

i have no idea what you're talking about

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 9:14 AM

i encourage conversation

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 9:15 AM

i encourage exploring new ideas
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 9:16 AM
then you need to go back and read the texts in this thread and others in your group, as I saw early on, there is not sense in attempting to talk to some of the non-sensical ones around here. At least your not totally bonkers

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 9:16 AM

i encourage people to NOT make appeals to authority
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 9:16 AM
Viruses and bacterial contagions exists
massk wordk etc
vaccines work

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 9:17 AM

telling people to "read more" is not a very persuasive tactic, you know, generally speaking

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 9:18 AM

100% AGREE
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 9:18 AM
I havent got time to go find all the non-sense statements of those, and your encouragment of them. I remmber them and cut loose of any attempt at rational conversation with them, not you.

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 9:18 AM

just tell me what you remember - - that's the important bit
LOGIKZOMBEE — Today at 9:20 AM
......what ive seen around here as how vaccines are killing so many people and that should be the health crisis concer, and sorry I cannot recall exact word for word statements
....and that kind of non-sens leads to these younger or older people believing all vaccinated people will be dead in three years
...sorry, I didnt have time to engage this young person about where they got their info, but is obvious there is this fear of vaccines by many, for no good reason, other than, yes some people in rare occasions have died from one or more of various covid vaccines.

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 9:36 AM

i personally know two people who died from blood-clots AFTER receiving the vaccine AND one who was partially paralyzed for about two weeks shortly AFTER receiving the vaccine, but that's probably just a quazy coincidence

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 11:34 AM

If COVID vaccines really work, how did 400,000 mostly jabbed South ...
Despite being almost entirely “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), the country of South Korea saw 400,741 new “cases” of the disease pop up in a single day. If COVID vaccines… by famigliacurione
If COVID vaccines really work, how did 400,000 mostly jabbed South ...
.LOGIC.ZOMBIE — Today at 12:16 PM
Really??? The Truth About Viruses: https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/the-truth-about-viruses:a
Dr. Sam Bailey
The Truth About Viruses
It doesn't seem to matter how many videos, articles and even books that refute the existence of "viruses", I still get questioned with "but....what about [insert anything here]?"
I took up the challen...

I guess Some here trust the media and the controlmind and Rockefeller "schooling" (indoctrination), and will not look at the fact that there is ZERO evidence of "deadly viruses," that contagion cannot be proven, and that jabbing toxins into Our flesh does NOT protect Us from anything...

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 12:45 PM

here's the deal
there is no need to confront these people with a new paradigm
their own paradigm works against what they are claiming

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 12:48 PM

maybe there is a more accurate description of disease than the current generally accepted framework
.LOGIC.ZOMBIE — Today at 1:01 PM
I'm just trying to promote truth against the copious lies of the MSM, the Rockefeller "education," and the corporations Most call "Our governments."

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 1:28 PM

and i'm very glad you are

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 1:32 PM

also, not all vaccines are worth the risk, even if some of them are worth the risk, and regardless of the red-herring of risk-versus-reward, there is no scenario where i support MANDATORY JABS
.LOGIC.ZOMBIE — Today at 1:34 PM
I suggest that ALL "vaccines" have been experiments on Us. I know I was damaged for life at 6 from a "polio" jab. Polio was caused by DDT. They stopped spraying DDT, cases of polio dropped off, and They claimed the "victory" was all jab. They lie, lie, lie about the (very profitable) jabs, disease, and all.

LOGICZOMBIE — Today at 1:51 PM

good example

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Vaccination turned to a religion.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

open-minded people who are willing to let others think for themselves are DANGEROUS LUNATICS

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

What should we do then?

Editing to re add this /s

It was invisible the first time because i put brackets around it and the site uses markdown.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


try and steelman your "opponent"

understand and share CRITIQUE = RESPECT


there is a common-ground that all humans can agree upon



Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This was really good tho you have a really good voice for YouTube and these videos are engaging!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

open-minded people who are willing to let others think for themselves are DANGEROUS LUNATICS

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

I was booked in for one of these and it got cancelled due to COVID 😶‍🌫️

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

booked in for a what ?

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

A silent retreat. It was cancelled because of quarantine

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

ah, try this

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

thank you so much for sharing the video, have a nice day

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Good Example ✍️😎🥓👍


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

egg sample

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Plus all the photos seemed to be of different locations. Then I noticed the coordinates: zero latitude and zero longitude. That spot in the ocean is where photos on google earth that are missing their location data go to die.

this is an interesting remake of slaughterhousefive

are you saying Reality in general? Or did you find an interesting movie?
Because I agree that reality in general is... well...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

"asymptomatic spread" is the main killer

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

"asymptomatic spread"

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

truly chakra ring

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

PRO information
PRO conversation
PRO not shutting down any data that blah blah

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

phenomenal reporting

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com